

Press Invitation: Foundation stone laying ceremony at the Biobank of the University of Szeged

Press Invitation: Foundation stone laying ceremony at the Biobank of the University of Szeged

2020. január 17.
2 perc

The University of Szeged cordially invites you to participate the celebratory signing event of the memorandum of understanding between the University of Szeged and Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium and the foundation stone laying ceremony at the Biobank of the University of Szeged.

Date: 21st January 2020, Tuesday, 9:00

Venue: University of Szeged, Albert Szent-Györgyi Health Center, Petri Gábor Clinical Block, Cserháti István Room. (Address: Upper Ground Floor, Semmelweis u. 8. Szeged, 6720)

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In recognition of biobanking activities that has been maintained in Szeged for several years, the University of Szeged is the first institution in Hungary to join directly the infrastructural network of Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure-European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC). The newly established centre of excellence, along with accession to the infrastructure of the European Union will provide new opportunities for the University of Szeged, thus promoting the University to become the leading biobank of Hungary and the region.

In addition, the Spartacus Cancer Foundation donates a world-class, modern, fully robotised automatic sample container to the University of Szeged to a value of more than 3 billion HUF. This equipment complemented with the new biobank building investment will meet the biological sample storage capacity needs of the University of Szeged in the upcoming decades.

The investment and development is supported by European Cancer Moonshot Lund Center that is the European leader of one of the world’s largest cancer research programmes, which is a further professional recognition.

With the installation of the biobank at the University of Szeged, one of the most important requirements of personalized medicine, better health care, early diagnose of diseases, a more effective oncology research and other therapeutic developments will be fulfilled.


We cordially invite representatives of the press to join our event.

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