2025. március 6., csütörtök

SzeMUN 2017 - Szeged Model United Nations

Model UN is a simulation of the United Nations where college students play the part of representatives meeting in structured committees. Bearing in mind of the represented country's interest, students need to speak up or argue, and if is necessary, confront; but mainly they have to co-operate with one another in order to solve the problems of the world.

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The aim of Model UN conferences is that future politicians and diplomats could gain some practical and theoretical experience while having fun with students from all over the world. As participants from different countries are all welcomed, the UN’s multi cultural intellectuality will be present not only in the committees but also at the whole event.

This year we simulate four committees:
Security Council (Territorial disputes, claims and governance issues regarding the Arctic and the Arctic littoral states, Addressing the Cyprus Conflict),
UNICEF (Children education in crisis situation states, Children soldiers in Sudan)
Human Rights Council (Xenophobia and Human Rights, Right to privacy in light of cyber attacks)
ECOSOC (Investing in sustainable energy from rural areas, Usage of genetically modified organisms)

Unforgettable socials, great atmosphere, new friendships, usefull experience and so much more!!! ♥

Apply now, and be part of something amazing!


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