1.Pósa A, Szabó R, Kupai K, Csonka A, Szalai Z, Veszelka M, Török S, Daruka L, Varga C.
Exercise training and calorie restriction influence the metabolic parameters in ovariectomized female rats
Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2015;2015:787063. doi: 10.1155/2015/787063. Epub 2015 Mar 19.
2.Pósa A, Szabó R, Kupai K, Baráth Z, Szalai Z, Csonka A, Veszelka M, Gyöngyösi M, Radák Z, Ménesi R, Pávó I, Berkó AM, Varga C.
Cardioprotective effects of voluntary exercise in a rat model: role of matrix metalloproteinase-2
Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2015;2015:876805. doi: 10.1155/2015/876805. Epub 2015 Mar 22.
3.Pósa A, Szabó R, Csonka A, Veszelka M, Berkó AM, Baráth Z, Ménesi R, Pávó I, Gyöngyösi M, László F, Kupai K, Varga C
Endogenous estrogen-mediated heme oxygenase regulation in experimental menopause
Oxid. Med. Cell. Longev 2015;Paper 429713
4.Pósa A, Pávó I, Varga C
Heme oxygenase contributes to estradiol and raloxifene-induced vasorelaxation in estrogen deficiency.
Int J Cardiol. 2015 Jun 15;189:252-4.
5.Anikó Pósa, Krisztina Kupai, Rudolf Ménesi, Zita Szalai, Renáta Szabó, Zoltán Pintér, György Pálfi, Mariann Gyöngyösi, Anikó Berkó, Imre Pávó, Csaba Varga
Sexual dimrphism of cardiovascular ischemia susceptibility is mediated by heme oxygenase
Oxid. Med. Cell. Longev 2013;Paper 521563
6.Posa A, Hemetsberger R, Petnehazy Ö, Petrasi Z, Testor M, Glogar D, Gyöngyösi M.
Attainment of local drug delivery with paclitaxel-eluting balloon in porcine coronary arteries.
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7.Gyöngyösi M, Blanco J, Marian T, Trón L, Petneházy Ö, Petrasi Z, Hemetsberger R, Rodriguez J, Font G, Pavo I jr, Kertész I, Balkay L, Pavo N, Posa A, Emri M, Galuska L, Kraitchman DL, Wojta J, Huber K, Glogar D.
Serial non-invasive in vivo positron emission tomographic (PET) tracking of percutaneously intramyocardially injected autologous porcine mesenchymal stem cells modified for transgene reporter gene expression.
Circulation Cardiovasc Imaging 2008;1:94-103.
8.Posa A, Pavo N, Hemetsberger R, Csonka Cs, Csont T, Ferdinandy P, Petrasi Zs, Varga C, Pavo I Jr, Laszlo F Jr, Huber K, Gyöngyösi M.
Protective effect of ischemic preconditioning on ischemia/reperfusion induced microvascular obstruction determined by on-line measurements of coronary pressure and blood flow in pigs.
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2010;103(2):450-60.
9.Pósa A, Nyolczas N, Hemetsberger R, Pavo N, Petnehazy O, Petrasi Z, Sangiorgi G, Gyöngyösi M.
Optimization Of Drug-Eluting Balloon Use For Safety And Efficacy: Evaluation Of The 2nd Generation Paclitaxel-Eluting DIOR-Balloon In Porcine Coronary Arteries.
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Intervention 2010;76(3)395-403.
10.Gyöngyösi M, Hemetsberger R, Wolbank S, Kaun C, Posa A, Marian T, Balkay L, Emri M, Galuska L, Mikecz P, Petrasi Z, Charwat S, Hemetsberger H, Blanco J, Maurer G.
Imaging the migration of therapeutically delivered cardiac stem cells.
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2010;3(7):772-5.