E. Tombácz, E. Illés, A. Hajdú: A novel use of humic acids in preparation of water based magnetic fluid with high pH and salt tolerance, a possible biomedical application, Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 30 to August 4, 2006 - Karlsruhe, Germany, Humic Substances – Linking Structure to Functions (Eds. F.H.Frimmel, G.Abbt-Braun) Universitat Karlsruhe (TH), 2006. pp. 69-72.
Etelka Tombácz, Angéla Hajdú, Erzsébet Illés: Some facts on biocompatibility of magnetic fluids(Let's stop a while before thinking of biomedical application of magnetic nanoparticles), lecture, COST Action P17: Electromagnetic processing of materials, WORKSHOP on Magnetic nanofluids and composites: Synthesis, properties and applications, July 22-25, 2006, Timisoara, Romania
E.Tombácz, D.Bica, A.Hajdú, E.Illés, A.Majzik, L.Vékás: Surfactant double layer stabilized magnetic nanofluids for biomedical application, poster on the 11th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids (ICMF 11), July 23 - 27, 2007 Košice, Slovakia
A. Hajdú, E. Tombácz: Is the citric acid applicable to the preparation of magnetic fluid for biomedical application? lecture on the 11th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids (ICMF 11), July 23 - 27, 2007 Košice, Slovakia
E.Tombácz, E.Illés, A.Majzik, A.Hajdú, N.Rideg, M.Szekeres: Ageing in inorganic nanoworld: an example for magnetite nanoparticles in aqueous medium, Croatica Chemica Acta (accepted)
E.Tombácz, D.Bica, A.Hajdú, E.Illés, A.Majzik, L.Vékás: Surfactant double layer stabilized magnetic nanofluids for biomedical application, Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter (submitted)
A. Hajdú, E. Tombácz, D. Bica, L. Vékás: Magnetite nanoparticles stabilized under physiological conditions for biomedical application, poster 9th Conference on Colloid Chemistry Oct 3 – 5, 2007 Siófok, Hungary