Válogatott publikációk
1. Bánkfalvi Á, Öfner D, Piffkó J, Schmid KW
Nucleolar organizer regions in lining epithelium adjacent to squamous cell carcinoma of human oral mucosa.
Cancer 1994; 74: 3245-3247.
IF: 2,429
2. Piffkó J, Bánkfalvi Á, Öfner D, Joos U, Böcker W, Schmid KW
Immunohistochemical detection of p53 protein in archival tIssues from squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity using wet autoclave antigen retrieval.
J Pathol 1995; 176: 69-75.
IF: 4,671
3. Piffkó J, Bánkfalvi A, Ofner D, Rasch D, Joos U, Schmid KW
Standardized AgNOR analysis of the invasive tumour front in oral squamous cell carcinomas.
J Pathol. 1997 Aug;182(4):450-456.
IF: 3,251
4. Meyer U, Vollmer D, Homann C, Schuon R, Benthaus S, Végh A, Felszegi E, Joos U, Piffkó J
Experimentelle und Finite-Elemente-Analyse der Biomechanik des Unterkiefers unter Belastung.
[Experimental and finite-element models for the assessment of mandibular deformation under mechanical loading]
Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir. 2000 Jan;4(1):14-20.
5. Joos U, Piffko J, Meyer U.
Neue Aspekte in der Versorgung von Unterkieferfrakturen. (Übersicht)
[New aspects in managing mandibular fractures]
Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir. 2001 Jan;5(1):2-16.
6. Piffko J, Meyer U, Joos U
Möglichkeiten und Limitationen der Evaluation von Behandlungskonzepten bei Lippen-, Kiefer- und Gaumenspalten.
[Possibilities and limitations in evaluating treatment concepts in lip-jaw-palate clefts]
Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir. 2002 Jan;6(1):49-52
7. Joos U, Végh A, Piffkó J
Funktionsorientierte primäre Operationen bei LKG-Spalten. (Arc- és szájpadhasadékos gyermekek funkció-orientált primér műtéti ellátása) [Hungarian] (review).
Pediater 2000. 9; (1): 4-7.
8. Bánkfalvi A, Piffkó J
Prognostic and predictive factors in oral cancer: the role of the invasive tumour front.
J Oral Pathol Med. 2000 Aug; 29(7):291-298.
IF: 1,457
9. Büchter A, Wiechmann D, Koerdt S, Wiesmann HP, Piffko J, Meyer U
Load-related implant reaction of mini-implants used for orthodontic anchorage.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2005 Aug;16(4):473-9.
IF: 1,897
10. Piffkó J, Bánkfalvi Á, Klauke K, Joos U, Böcker W
CD44 v6 isoform is not a metastasis-related marker in squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity.
In Head and Neck Cancer- Advances in Basic Research, Werner JA, Lippert BM, Rubert HH (Eds), Elsevier Science B.V., 1996; 491-496
11. Seper L, Piffkó J, Joos U, Meyer U
Treatment of fractures of the atrophic mandible in the elderly.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2004 Sep;52(9):1583-1584.
12. Piffkó J, Bánkfalvi Á
Aggressive potential of oral cancer: a function of the invasive tumour front.
Tumor Diagnostik & Therapie 1998; 19: 108-112
13. Piffkó J, Bánkfalvi A, Tory K, Füzesi L, Bryne M, Ofner D, Kusch F, Joos U, Schmid KW
Molecular assessment of p53 abnormalities at the invasive front of oral squamous cell carcinomas.
Head Neck. 1998 Jan;20(1):8-15.
IF: 1,331
14. Piffkó J, Bánkfalvi Á, Joos U, Öfner D, Krassort M, Schmid KW
Imunophenotypic analysis of ‘normal’ mucosa and squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity.
Cancer Detect Prev 1999; 23: 45-56.
IF: 0,927
15. Piffkó J, Homann Ch, Schuon R, Joos U, Meyer U
Experimental study on the biomechanical stability of different internal fixators for use in the mandible.
[Experimental study on the biomechanical stability of different internal fixators for use in the mandible]
Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir. 2003 Jan;7(1):1-6.