University of Szeged is one of Hungary’s leading universities which enjoy an international reputation for its high-quality teaching and research in a great many fields of science. More than 230 foreign students arrived to begin their studies at the University of Szeged in the first semester of the 2014/2015 academic year.
The University of Szeged has been participating in the ERASMUS program for sixteen years and since then the number of its partner universities has been continuously growing and is now over 400. In fact, the ERASMUS program started at the University of Szeged in 1998 when, in the first year, it received 8 students. In comparison to that, in the first semester of this academic year, 209 ERASMUS students studied at our university. They are coming from 13 countries, 70 cities and 87 universities. They began their studies together with the 18 ERASMUS MUNDUS students, 1 student who arrived within CEEPUS program and 4 students who arrived in Szeged within the Hungarian Scholarship Board program and 1 student from the West Virginia University according to the agreement of cooperation between our institutions. Based on all that, we could say that the University of Szeged is becoming a colourful place where students from all kinds of nationalities can meet. In fact, when you walk around the town, do not wonder if you hear foreign language words, for example in Turkish, Italian, Spanish, French or if you meet groups of students coming from various other countries, for example from Romania, Germany, Bulgaria, Lithuania or the Czech Republic.
József Pál, Vice-Rector for International Relations of University of Szeged said: “I can assure our foreign students that they have made a good choice when they had decided to come to Szeged. Our institution is one of the best and most important universities in Hungary, with prestigious positions in the university world rankings, with its twelve faculties, with nearly 25 thousand students and an excellent university life. Not to mention the ‘heart of the university’, the Study and Information Centre housing the University Library where students can meet and attend the cultural events or use the library and IT facilities free. Enjoy their studies and stay in Szeged, discover our country, our culture and find new friends in Hungary” – he added.