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3. H. Hippler, and B. Viskolcz: “Competition between Alkyl Radical Addition to Carbonyl Bonds and H-Atom Abstraction Reactions” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 4663, 4, (2002).
4. B. Viskolcz, Sz. N. Fejer, A. Perczel, S. J. K. Jensen and I.G. Csizmadia " Maximal Information Accumulation in Polypeptide Secondary Structures “ Chem. Phys. Letter, 123-126, 450, (2007).
5. M. Szőri, I. G. Csizmadia and B. Viskolcz " Non-enzymatic pathway of PUFA oxidation A first principles study on the reactions of OH radical with 1,4 pentadiene and arachidonic acid" J. Chem. Theory Comput., 1472–1479, 4, (2008)
6. Róbert Izsák, Milán Szőri, Peter J. Knowles, and Béla Viskolcz, High Accuracy Ab Initio Calculations on Reactions of OH with 1-Alkenes. The Case of Propene, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2313–2321, 5, (2009).