1. A. P. Kovács, K. Varjú, K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, On the formation of white-light interference fringes, American Journal of Physics, 66, no.11 (1998) pp.985-989,
2. Katalin Varjú, Lewis H. Ryder, The effect of Schwarzschild field on spin 1/2 particles compared to the effect of a uniformly accelerating frame , Physics Letters A, 250, no. 4-6 (1998) pp. 263-269,
3. Katalin Varjú, Lewis H. Ryder, General relativistic treatment of the Colella-Overhauser-Werner experiment on neutron interference in a gravitational field, American Journal of Physics, 68, no. 5 (2000) pp. 404-409
4. Katalin Varjú, Lewis H. Ryder, Comparing the effects of curved space and noninertial frames on spin 1/2 particles, Physical Review D 62, no.2 (2000) 024016
5. Varjú K, Kovács AP, Kurdi G, Osvay K, High-precision measurement of angular dispersion in a CPA laser, Applied Physics B-Lasers And Optics 74 (2002) S259-S263
6. Varjú K, Kovács AP, Osvay K, Kurdi G, Angular dispersion of femtosecond pulses in a Gaussian beam, Optics Letters 27, no. 22 (2002) 2034-2036
7. R. López-Martens, J. Mauritsson, P. Johnsson, K. Varjú, A. L’Huillier, W. Kornelis, J. Biegert, U. Keller, M. Gaarde, K. Schafer, Characterisation of high-order harmonic radiation on femtosecond and attosecond time scales, Applied Physics B: Lasers And Optics 78 (2004) 835-840
8. J. Mauritsson, P. Johnsson, R. López-Martens, K. Varjú, A. L’Huillier, W. Kornelis, J. Biegert, U. Keller, M. Gaarde, K. J. Schafer, Measurement and Control of the Frequency Chirp Rate of High-Order Harmonic Pulses, Physical Review A 70, 021801(R) (2004)
9. K. Varjú, Y. Mairesse, B. Carré, M.B. Gaarde, P. Johnsson, S. Kazamias, R. López-Martens, J. Mauritsson, K.J. Schafer, P. Balcou, A. L’Huillier, and P. Saliéres, Frequency chirp of harmonic and attosecond pulses, Journal of Modern Optics 52, 379-394 (2005)
10. R. López-Martens, K. Varjú, P. Johnsson, J. Mauritsson, Y. Mairesse, P. Salières, M.B. Gaarde, K.J. Schafer, A. Persson, S. Svanberg, C-G. Wahlström, A. L’Huillier, Amplitude and Phase Control of Attosecond Pulses, Physical Review Letters 94, 033001 (2005)
11. L. Robson, K.W.D. Ledingham, P. McKenna, T. McCanny, S. Shimizu, J.M. Yangc C-G. Wahlström, R. Lopez-Martens, K. Varju, P. Johnsson, J. Mauritsson, Volumetric Intensity Dependence on the Formation of Molecular and Atomic Ions within a High Intensity Laser Focus, Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry 16, 82-89 (2005)
12. K. Varjú, P. Johnsson, R. López-Martens, T. Remetter, E. Gustafsson, A. L’Huillier, J. Mauritsson, M. B. Gaarde, K. J. Schafer, C. Erny, I. Sola, A. Zaïr, E. Constant, E. Cormier, E. Mével, Experimental studies of Attosecond Pulse Trains, Laser Physics 15, 888-898 (6) 2005
13. J. Mauritsson, P. Johnsson, R. López-Martens, K. Varjú, A. L’Huillier, M. B. Gaarde, K. J. Schafer, Probing Temporal Aspects of High-Order Harmonic Pulses via Multi-Color, Multi-Photon Ionization Processes, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 (2005) 2265–2278
14. P. Johnsson, R. López-Martens, S. Kazamias, J. Mauritsson, C. Valentin, T. Remetter, K. Varjú, M. B. Gaarde, Y. Mairesse, H. Wabnitz, P. Salières, Ph. Balcou, K. J. Schafer, A. L'Huillier, Attosecond Electron Wave Packet Dynamics in Strong Laser Fields, Physical Review Letters 95, 013001 (2005)
15. A. Zaïr, I.J. Sola, R. López-Martens, P. Johnsson, E. Cormier, K. Varjù, J. Mauritsson, D. Descamps, V. Strelkov, A. L'Huillier, E. Mével and E. Constant, Contrôle de la génération d'harmoniques d'ordres élevés par modulation de l'ellipticité du fondamental (Control of the generation of elevated order harmonics by modulation of the ellipticity of the fundamental), J. Phys. IV (JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV) France 127 (2005) 91-98
16. P. Johnsson, K. Varjú, T. Remetter, E. Gustafsson, J. Mauritsson, R. López-Martens, S. Kazamias, C. Valentin, Ph. Balcou, M. B. Gaarde, K. J. Schafer, A. L’Huillier, Trains of Attosecond Electron Wave Packets, J. Mod. Optics 53, 233 (2006)
17. K. Varjú, Y. Mairesse, P. Agostini, P. Breger, B. Carré, L. J. Frasinski, E. Gustafsson, P. Johnsson, J. Mauritsson, H. Merdji, P. Monchicourt, T. Remetter, A. L’Huillier, P. Salirères, Reconstruction of attosecond pulse trains using adiabatic phase expansion, Phys Rev Lett 95, 243901 (2005)
18. T. Remetter, P. Johnsson, J. Mauritsson, K. Varjú, Y. Ni, F. Lépine, E. Gustafsson, M. Kling, J. Khan, R. López-Martens, K. J. Schafer, M. J. J. Vrakking And A. L’Huillier, Attosecond electron wave packet interferometry, Nature Physics 2 323-326 (2006)
19. A.S. Morlens, R. López-Martens, O. Boyko, Ph. Zeitoun, Ph. Balcou, K. Varjú, E. Gustafsson, T. Remetter, and A. L’Huillier, S. Kazamias, J. Gautier, F. Delmotte, M. F. Ravet, Design and characterization of extreme-ultraviolet broadband mirrors for attosecond science, OPTICS LETTERS 31 (10) 1558-1560 (2006)
20. I. J. Sola, A. Zaïr, R. López-Martens, P. Johnsson, K. Varjú, E. Cormier, J. Mauritsson, A. L’Huillier, V. Strelkov, E. Mével and E. Constant, Temporal and spectral studies of high-order harmonics generated by polarization-modulated infrared fields, Phys. Rev. A 74 (1) 013810 (2006)
21. K Varjú, P Johnsson, J Mauritsson; T Remetter, T Ruchon, Y Ni, F Lépine, M Kling, J Khan, K J Schafer, M J J Vrakking and A L'Huillier, Angularly resolved electron wave packet interferences, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39 3983-3991 (2006)
22. H. Wabnitz, Y. Mairesse, L. J. Frasinski, M. Stankiewicz, W. Boutu, P. Bréger, P. Johnsson, A. L’Huillier, H. Merdji, P. Monchicourt, P. Salières, K. Varju, M. Vitteau and B. Carré,Generation of attosecond pulses in molecular nitrogen, European Physical Journal D 40 305-311 (2006)
23. Lepine, F., Kling, M. F., Ni, Y. F., Khan, J., Ghafur, O., Martchenko, T., Gustafsson, E., Johnsson, P., Varju, K., Remetter, T., L'Huillier, A., Vrakking, M. J. J., Short XUV pulses to characterize field-free molecular alignment, JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS 54 (7): 953-966 2007
24. Osvay K, Varju K, Kurdi G, High order dispersion control for femtosecond CPA lasers, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 89 (4): 565-572, 2007
25. T Ruchon, C P Hauri, K Varjú, E Mansten, M Swoboda, R López-Martens and A L’Huillier, Macroscopic effects in attosecond pulse generation NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 10 025027 (2008)
26. Varju K, Johnsson P, Mauritsson J, L'Huillier A, Lopez-Martens R, Physics of attosecond pulses produced via high harmonic generation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 77 (5) 389-395 (2009)
27. Heissler P, Hoerlein R, Stafe M, Mikhailova JM, Nomura Y, Herrmann D, Tautz R, Rykovanov SG, Foldes IB, Varju K, Tavella F, Marcinkevicius A, Krausz F, Veisz L, Tsakiris GD, Toward single attosecond pulses using harmonic emission from solid-density plasmas, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 101 (3) 511-521 (2010)
28. Balogh, E; Kovacs, K; Dombi, P; Fulop, JA; Farkas, G; Hebling, J; Tosa, V; Varju, K, Single attosecond pulse from terahertz-assisted high-order harmonic generation PHYSICAL REVIEW A 84 (2) 023806 (2011)