Publikációs lista

·Kovács, Z. 2009. Social and economic transformation of historical neighbourhoods in Budapest. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. 100 (4) pp. 399-416.

·Bontje, M. – Musterd, S. – Kovács, Z. – Murie, A. 2011. Pathways Toward European Creative-Knowledge City-Regions. Urban Geography. 32 (1), pp. 80-104.

·Kovács, Z. – Herfert, G. 2012. Development Pathways of Large Housing Estates in Post-socialist cities: An International Comparison. Housing Studies, 27 (3) pp. 324-342.

·Musterd, S., Kovács, Z. (Eds.) 2013. Place-making and policies for competitive cities. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 340 p.

·Kovács, Z.,Wiessner, R., Zischner, R. 2013. Urban Renewal in the Inner City of Budapest: Gentrification from a Post-socialist Perspective. Urban Studies 50 (1), pp. 22-38.

·Kovács, Z., Hegedűs, G. 2014. Gated communities as new forms of segregation in post-socialist Budapest. Cities 36, pp. 200-209.

·Kovács, Z., Wiessner, R., Zischner, R. 2015. Beyond gentrification: diversified neighbourhood upgrading in the inner city of Budapest. Geografie120 (2), pp. 251-274.

·Marcińczak, S., Tammaru, T., Novák, J., Gentile, M., Kovács, Z., Temelová, J., Valatka, V., Kährik, A., Szabó, B. 2015. Patterns of socioeconomic segregation in the capital cities of fast-track reforming postsocialist countries. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105 (1), pp. 183-202.

·Boros, L., Fabula, S., Horváth, D., Kovács Z. 2016. Urban diversity and the production of public space in Budapest. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (3), pp. 209-224.

·Kovács, Z., Szabó, B. 2016. Urban restructuring and changing patterns of socio-economic segregation in Budapest. In: Tammaru T, Marcińczak S, Ham M van, Musterd S (eds.) Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East meets West. London; New York: Routledge, 238-260.

·Egedy, T., Kovács, Z., Kondor, A. C. 2017. Metropolitan region building and territorial development in Budapest: the role of national policies. International Planning Studies 22 (1), 14-29.