Válogatott publikációk

  1. Nyúl L G, Udupa J K: On standardizing the MR image intensity scale. MAGN RESON MED 42:(6)1072-1081 (1999)
  2. Catalaa I, Grossman R I, Kolson D L, Udupa J K, Nyúl L G, Wei L G, Zhang X, Polansky M, Mannon L J, McGowan J C: Multiple sclerosis: Magnetization transfer histogram analysis of segmented normal-appearing white matter. RADIOLOGY 216:(2)351-355 (2000)
  3. Ge Y L, Udupa J K, Nyúl L G, Wei L G, Grossman R I: Numerical tissue characterization in MS via standardization of the MR image intensity scale. J MAGN RESON IMAGING 12:(5)715-721 (2000)
  4. Nyúl L G, Udupa J K, Zhang X: New variants of a method of MRI scale standardization. IEEE T MED IMAGING 19:(2)143-150 (2000)
  5. Nyúl L G, Udupa J K: MR image analysis in multiple sclerosis. In: Frank J A (ed.): Advances in Multiple Sclerosis - Neuroimaging Clinics of North America. 10:(4)799-815 (2000)
  6. Udupa J K, Nyúl L G, Ge Y L, Grossman R I: Multiprotocol MR image segmentation in multiple sclerosis: Experience with over 1,000 studies. ACAD RADIOL 8:(11)1116-1126 (2001)
  7. Nyúl L G, Falcao A X, Udupa J K: Fuzzy-connected 3D image segmentation at interactive speeds. GRAPH MODELS 64:(5)259-281 (2002)
  8. Nyúl L G, Udupa J K, Saha P K: Incorporating a measure of local scale in voxel-based 3-D image registration. IEEE T MED IMAGING 22:(2)228-237 (2003)
  9. Lei T H, Udupa J K, Odhner D, Nyúl L G, Saha P K: 3DVIEWNIX-AVS: a software package for the separate visualization of arteries and veins in CE-MRA images. COMPUT MED IMAG GRAP 27:(5)351-362 (2003)
  10. Sorantin E, Mohadjer D, Lindbichler F, Nyúl L G, Palágyi K, Geiger B: Techniques in 3D Assessment of Tracheal-Stenosis by the Mean of Spiral Computed Tomography (S-CT) and Their Applications. In: Leondes C T (ed.): Medical Imaging Systems Technology - Modalities. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 61-80 (2005)
  11. Sorantin E, Mohadjer D, Nyúl L G, Palágyi K, Lindbichler F, Geiger B: New advances for imaging laryngo / trachealstenosis by post processing of spiral-CT data. In: Hruby W (ed.): Digital (r)evolution in radiology: bridging the future of health care. Wien; New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 297-310 (2006)
  12. Sorantin E, Balogh E, Vilanova i Bartroli A, Palágyi K, Nyúl L G, Lindbichler F, Ruppert A: Techniques of Virtual Dissection of the Colon Based on Spiral CT Data. In: Neri E, Caramella D, Bartolozzi C (eds.): Image Processing in Radiology: Current Applications. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 257-268 (2008)
  13. Bekes G, Máté E, Nyúl L G, Kuba A, Fidrich M: Geometrical model-based segmentation of the organs of sight on CT images. MED PHYS 35:(2)735-743 (2008)
  14. Bock R, Meier J, Nyúl L G, Hornegger J, Michelson G: Glaucoma Risk Index: Automated glaucoma detection from color fundus images. MED IMAGE ANAL 14:(3)471-481 (2010)
  15. Varga L G, Nyúl L G, Nagy A, Balázs P: Local and global uncertainty in binary tomographic reconstruction. COMPUT VIS IMAGE UND (2014) DOI:10.1016/j.cviu.2014.05.006 (2014)