
Donate to our Biobank - Securing the future


Samples in biobanks play a major role in scientific advances and medical breakthroughs. Collecting and storing samples is a very costly and time-consuming process. Unfortunately, these samples are often destroyed when a repository or research group - or biobank - ceases to exist and are lost forever from research.



Your contribution makes a big difference!


Donating biological samples is a hugely important act. Whether you donate blood, tissue, or other biological material, your donation will help advance knowledge, innovative treatments, and potentially life-saving breakthroughs. Every sample of data is a building block for scientific progress; our mission is to preserve it for future generations. We are, therefore, ready to receive and store these samples within a controlled framework. The potential impact of your contribution can be invaluable!


By donating to our university biobank, you are joining the legacy of people who have recognized the impact their contributions can have on research and healthcare. The samples you donate can become vital to ground-breaking research projects that can lead to new therapies, diagnostic tools, and a deeper understanding of various diseases.


How can you donate?


If you would like to donate samples or data to us, please contact us. Our dedicated team will support you throughout the donation process, from contracting to storage.


If you decide to donate, you should consider ownership, copyright, ethics, and regulatory approvals for sample collection. Donation is still possible if these are unavailable, but it requires specific legal and quality procedures.


Contact us, and we can guide you!