
Március 18-21 között rendezzük hagyományos CT tanfolyamunkat.

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Még van néhány szabad helyünk. Várjuk jelentkezését!



Folyamatosan kerülnek fel a honlapunkra az Európai Radiológus Társaság e-könyvének a fordításai. Terveink szerint a tavaszi szemeszterben már ez lesz az oktatásunk alapja.

A PlosONE elfogadta közlésre a D-dimer levels to exclude pulmonary embolism and reduce the need for CT angiography in COVID-19 in an outpatient population című cikkünket

Gratulálunk a szerzőknek: Kovács Anita, Hantosi Dóra, Szabó Nikoletta, Letoha Annamária, Lengyel Csaba, Földesi Imre, Burián Katalin, Palkó András, Veréb Dániel, Kincses Zsigmond Tamás!

PlosOne 2024 Jan 17;19(1):e0297023.


Minden év októbere a mellrák elleni küzdelem hónapja, ezért a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Klinikai Központ Radiológiai Klinikája - a korábbi évekhez hasonlóan – figyelem felhívó akciót szervez. A Leányszállás köz 2/A szám alatt lévő Női Diagnosztikai Osztályon két egymást követő szerdán, október 18-én és 25-én meghosszabbított rendelésen reggel 8 -19 óra között várják főként azokat a 45- 65 éves hölgyeket, akik még nem voltak a meghívás ellenére mammográfiás szűrővizsgálaton.


A zsúfoltság és a várakozás elkerülése érdekében érdemes időpontot egyeztetni telefonon 06-62-545 400, 545 433 és 544 996 számokon a 2 gomb választással vagy személyesen a Leányszállás köz 2/ A II. emeletén ahol a vizsgálatok is történnek.

2023 november 13-16 között újra megrendezzük az MR tanfolyamunkat. Idén egy nappal hosszabb lesz a tanfolyam. Több esetet szeretnénk végigbeszélni a hallgatósággal.
Idén már a radiográfusokat is várjuk. Az első napon közösen fog az MR fizikáról tanulni orvos és radiográfus. A második napon a radiográfusok folytatják az MR fizika speciális területeivel, MR biztonsággal és felvételi technikákkal, kontrasztanyag alkalmazásokkal.
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Megérkeztek a Szenes oktatási termünkbe az új puffok.



3D CT view
Abdominal angiography
Abscess in the iliopsoas muscle
Achalasia cardiae
Acustic neurinoma
Acustic neurinoma
Acute epidural hemorrhage
Acute intracerebral hemorrhage
Acute right side maxillary sinusitis and chronic left side maxillary sinusitis
Acute thromboembolism of the brachial artery
Adenosis of the breast (mastopathy)
Adipose breast
Adrenal calcification
Adrenal hemorrhage
Adrenal hyperplasia
Adrenal tumor
Adrenal tumor
Adrenal tumor (CT guided biopsy)
Adult Hirschprung disease
Air in the skull cavity
Aneurysm of both internal carotid arteries
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta
Aneurysm of the cerebri media artery
Aneurysm on the right posterior cerebral artery
Aneurysms of both internal carotid arteries
Angioplasty of the renal artery
Ankylosing spondylitis (Morbus Bechterew)
Anterior-inferior dislocation of the humeus
Aortic aneurysm
Aortic aneurysm
Aortic aneurysm
Aortic aneurysm
Aortic stenosis
Aortic valve prosthesis
Arachnoideal cyst
Arachnoideal cyst
Arterial tear (brachial artery)
Arterio-venous malformation
Arterio-venous malformation (real)
Arterio-venous malformation (real)
Arterio-venous malformation (real)
Articular loose body (mus articulare)
Atrial septal defect (ASD)
Atrophy: metatarsal fracture
Atrophy of the spine
Baker cyst
Biliary tract obstruction
Bladder tumor
Bladder tumor
Bladder tumor
Bleeding urinary bladder tumor
Boeck's sarcoid in an early stage
Bones in growing stage
Breast cyst
Bronchopneumonia, bronchopneumonia in regression
Bullous emphysema
Calcaneus fracture
Calcification of the common carotid artery
Calcification of the coronary arteries
Calcification of the wall of a vessel
Calcification of the wall of a vessel
Calcified pleural thickening
Carcinomatous mastitis
Cardiac achalasia (video)
Central lung tumor
Cerebral abscess
Cerebral hemorrhage
Cerebral hemorrhage (acute, ventricular)
Cerebral metastases
Cerebral metastases
Cervical lymphnodes
Cervical rib
Chest contusion
Chest radiograph of a newborn and an infant
Chiari malformation
Cholecystitis (acute)
Cholecystitis (acute)
Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis (video)
Choledocholithiasis (residual)
Chronic rickets
Colon relief, monocontrast examination
Colon tumor
Colon tumor, double-contrast examination
Colon tumor, single-contrast examination
Combined fracture of the lower arm: Monteggia fracture
Combined mitral stenosis and regurgitation
Common bile duct stone
Common iliac artery occlusion
Compressed vertebral fracture
Compressed vertebral fracture
Congenital dislocation of the hip
Congenital displasia of the hip
Congenital megacolon (Hirschprung disease)
Congestive cardiomyopathy (CMP)
Conventional upper GI tract examination
Corrosive strictures after drinking alkali
Crohn disease with colon involvement, early stage
Crohn disease with colon involvement, late stage
Crohn disease with colon involvement
Crohn disease, early stage
Crohn disease, late stage
Crucial ligament tear
CT guided biopsy of mediastinal lymph node
CT guided lung biopsy and complication after CT-guided lung biopsy
CT guided retroperitoneal abscess drainage
CT guided retroperitoneal biopsy
CT guided tumor biopsy
Cyst of the breast
Deep tracheal tube
Deep vein thrombosis
Diaphragmatic hernia
Diaphragmatic herniation (postero-lateral)
Dilated bile ducts
Dilated bile ducts
Dislocation caused by goiter
Dislocation of the elbow
Dislocation of the hip joint
Dissecting aortal aneurysm
Disturbed passage in the esophagus (video)
Diverticulosis (late phase)
Diverticulum duodeni
Diverticulum esophagi
Diverticulum ventriculi
Double-contrast barium study of the small bowel
Double-contrast examination of the colon
Duodenal atresia (double bubble)
Duodenal ulcer (kissing ulcus)
Duodenum atresia
Duplication of the renal pelvis and ureterocele
Ectasia of the pancreatic duct
Embolisation of the hypogastric artery
Embolization of a meningeoma
Endoscopic stone extraction from the common bile duct (video)
Enlargement of the left ventricle
Epidural hemorrhage
Esophageal varices
Esophagus atresia
False joint
Familiaris polyposis
Femoral artery thrombolysis
Fetal face
Fibroadenoma of the breast
Fibromyoma uteri
Fibromyoma uteri
Fleischner's atelectasis
Flexion fracture (lower arm)
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Foreign body in the duodenum
Foreign body in the hand
Foreign body in the esophagus
Foreign body in the orbit
Fracture crossing the sulcus of the middle meningeal artery
Fracture of the acetabulum
Fracture of the acetabulum
Fracture of the femoral neck (lateral)
Fracture of the femoral neck (lateral) after reduction
Fracture of the femoral neck (medial)
Fracture of the patella
Fracture of the pelvic
Fracture of the petrous bone
Fracture of the ribs, PTX
Fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus
Fragmented fracture
Free abdominal air
Free abdominal air
Free abdominal air
Free abdominal air
Gall-bladder carcinoma
Gall-bladder carcinoma
Gastro-esophageal reflux
Gastro-esophageal reflux (GOR) (video)
Gastrointestinal tract
Giant senile ulcus
Glandular breast
Glioma of the optic nerve
Glomus tumor
Greenstick fracture
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Herniated discus
Herniated discus
Herniated discus
Herniated discus
Herniated discus
Hiatus hernia
Hiatus hernia
Hiatus hernia (axial)
Hiatus hernia (paraesophageal)
Hill-Sachs lesion
Hodgkin lymphoma of the spleen
Hydatid cyst
Hydro-pneumothorax, pleural metastases
Hydrops vesicae felleae
Hydrothorax with traumatic liver lesion
Hypoplastic kidney
Hysterosalpingography: normal anatomical structures
Iatrogenic perforation
Ileus (colon)
Ileus (small bowel and colon)
Ileus (small intestines)
Intact and ruptured knee cruciate ligament
Intact middle ear and chronic otitis media
Interlobar fluid collection
Internal female reproductive organs in ascites
Intracerebral haemorrhage
Intracranial extension of a tumour arising from the maxillar sinus
Intraductal papilloma
Intramedullary tumor: Ependymoma
Intramural occlusion of the tube
Jejunal atresia (triple bubble)
Kidney abscess
Kidney with double pyelon
Laryngeal tumour
Leg fracture
Leiomyoma uteri
Leiomyoma uteri
Leiomyoma uteri
Liver abscess
Liver abscess
Liver cirrhosis
Liver cyst
Liver cysts
Liver cysts
Liver hemangiomas
Liver hemangiomas
Liver hemangiomas
Liver metastases
Liver metastases
Liver steatosis
Lobar pneumonia
Lumbar spondylosis
Lung abscess
Lung abscess
Lung cancer (peripheric)
Lung fibrosis
Lung TBC with cavitation
Lymph node enlargement
Macroadenoma of the pituitary gland
Macroadenoma of the pituitary gland
Malignant breast tumor
Malignant breast tumor
Malignant breast tumor
Malignant breast tumor (central)
Malignant breast tumor (medullary type)
Malignant thymoma
Malignant tumor of the colon
Malignant tumor of the esophagus
Malignant tumor of the esophagus
Malignant tumor of the stomach
Malignant tumor of the stomach
Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS)
Mediastinal tumor (Hodgkin's disease)
Mediastinal tumor (Hodgkin's disease)
Mediastinal tumor (Thymoma)
Meniscus lesion
Metastases in the breast
Microadenoma of the pituitary gland
Mitral stenosis
Morgagni hernia
Multiple pulmonary metasteses
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis
Normal abdominal vessels
Normal abdominal vessels
Normal adrenal gland
Normal adrenal gland
Normal adult extremity bone
Normal and dilated cerebrospinal space
Normal and dilated cerebrospinal space
Normal and dilated sella
Normal AP and LL skull X-ray
Normal breast structure
Normal bronchography
Normal cardiac outlines
Normal chest X-ray
Normal crucial ligament
Normal extracranial vessels
Normal extracranial vessels
Normal gall-bladder
Normal heart chambers (coronal section)
Normal heart chambers (cross section)
Normal infant hip
Normal kidney
Normal kidney
Normal kidney
Normal kidney
Normal kidney
Normal knee
Normal knees
Normal liver
Normal lumbar spine
Normal lumbar spine
Normal lymphatic system
Normal mammography
Normal meniscus
Normal esophagus
Normal pancreas
Normal pancreas
Normal pancreatic duct
Normal pituitary gland
Normal radiograph and CT scan of the petrous bone
Normal radiograph of the heart
Normal sialogram
Normal spine
Normal stomach
Normal swallowing (video)
Normal testis
Occlusion of the spermatic vein
Occlusion of the superficial femoral artery
Orbital fracture
Orbital meningeoma
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Osteomyelitis, late stage
Osteoplastic metastasis (prostate cancer)
Ovarial tumor
Ovarian cyst
Pancreas pseudocyst
Pancreas pseudocyst with infarct of the spleen
Pancreatitis (acute)
Pancreatitis (acute)
Pancreatitis (acute)
Pancreatitis (acute, necrotic)
Pancreatitis (acute with pseudocyst)
Pancreatitis (acute with pseudocyst)
Pancreatitis chronica
Pancreatitis chronica
Papilloma of the chorioid plexus
Paranasal polyps
Paranasal sinus radiograph
Partial agenesia of the corpus callosum
Partial vertebral dislocation
Pathologic vessels around the femur
Pathologic vessels in a breast tumor
Pathological circulation in the femoral region
Pathological fracture
Pectus carinatum
Pectus excavatum
Percutaneous transhepatic drainage
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA)
Pericardial cyst
Periosteal callus
Pertrochanteric fracture
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Plasma cell mastitis
Plasmacytoma (Multiple myeloma)
Pleural fluid
Pneumothorax (complete)
Pneumothorax (total)
Polycystic kidney
Polycystic liver (video)
Polyp ventriculi
Polyposis ventriculi
Portal hypertension
Postoperative scarring after discectomy
Postoperative stomach (Billroth II resection)
Primary bone restitution following osteosynthesis
Prostate carcinoma
Prostate hypertrophy
Prostate hypertrophy
Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary interstitial emphysema
Pulmonary oedema
Pylorus stenosis
Pyogenic arthritis of the hand
Radius fracture (typical)
Rectal atresia
Renal rupture
Residual old specific inflammatory process
Retinal ablation. Examination of the circulation of the central retinal artery
Retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Retroperitoneal liposarcoma
Retroperitoneal lymphadenomegaly
Retroperitoneal lymphadenomegaly
Retroperitoneal lymphadenomegaly
Retroperitoneal lymphadenomegaly (CT-guided biopsy)
Retroperitoneal lymphadenomegaly (CT-guided biopsy)
Retroperitoneal tumor
Retroperitoneal tumor causing hydronephrosis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rib fracture, pneumothorax
Right femoral artery occlusion and left femoral artery stenosis
Rotated fracture (spiral fracture)
Rotational disorder in the abdomen
Rupture of the Achilles tendon
Rupture of the aortic aneurysm
Rupture of the rotator cuff
Rupture of the spleen
Ruptured fracture
Ruptured kidney
Ruptured kidney
Second stage of IRDS
Secondary callus
Secondary hyperparathyreodism
Selective chemotherapy of a soft tissue tumor
Selective thrombolysis
IRDS (serious)
Sessile polyp
IRDS (severe)
Skull fracture with impression
Spina bifida
Spleen with normal size and structure
Splenic cyst
Stalked polyp
Stenosis of the internal carotid artery
Stenosis of the internal carotid artery
Stenosis of the internal carotid artery
Stenosis of the internal carotid artery
Stenosis of the internal carotid artery
Stenosis of the renal artery
Stenosis of the renal artery (before and after PTA)
Stent in the biliary tract
Sub- and epidural haematoma
Sub- and pertrochanteric fracture
Subacute brain infarct
Subarachnoideal hemorrhage
Subcapsular and intracapsular haematoma
Subclavian artery occlusion and angioplasty
Subdural hemorrhage (acute and chronic)
Subhepatic abscess, US-guided drainage (video)
Subphrenic abscess
Subphrenic abscess
Subphrenic abscess
Subpulmonary fluid collection
Subpulmonary fluid collection
Supernumerary kidney
Talo-crural distorsion
Tendon rupture
Testicular tumor
Tetralogy of Fallot
Thoracic contusion
Thoracic contusion
Thrombosis in the confluent sinus
Thrombosis in the superior sagittal sinus
Thrombus in the abdominal aorta
Thyroid cyst with intracystic growth
Thyroid node
Total transposition of the great arteries
Total transposition of the pulmonary veins
Transitory coxitis
Traumatic rupture of the kidney
Traumatic rupture of the kidney
Trimalleolar fracture
Trimalleolar fracture
Tuberculotic arthritis
Tuberculotic block vertebra
Tumor of the pancreatic head
Tumor of the pancreatic head
Tumor of the pancreatic head
Tumor-like lesion in the bile duct
Tumour arising from the maxillar cavity
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcus ventriculi
Upside-down stomach
US guided liver tumor biopsy
US guided subphrenic abscess drainage
Uterus unicornis and uterus bicornis
Vaso-occlusive therapy
Venous angioma
Venous angioma and cavernoma
Vertebral fracture with spinal cord lesion
Vesico-vagino-sigmoideal fistula
Villous tumor
Wilms' tumor
Wrong position of an umbilical venous catheter
Zenker diverticulum