Dr. Csete Károly
Firstaid, types of bleeding, completetreatment of bleeding. The concept of shock and itstreatment. Fluid and electrolytetherapy. Transfusion. Thermalinjuries. Burninjuries. Electricalinjuries. Coldinjury.
Dr. Csete Károly
History of surgery, and thedevelopment of Traumatology. The concept of injuries and classifications. Sharp mechanicalinjuries, Woundregeneration. Woundtreatment. Mechanicalbluntinjuries. The principle of the AO Foundation.
Bonyfractures, dislocations: classifications, treatment, symptoms, surgicaltreatment and complications. Regeneration of fractures. Conservativetherapy, surgicaltreatment, and complications of fractures. Prosthetics in Traumatology.
Dr. KurokawaTakayuki
Injuries of theshoulder. Symptoms, surgicaltreatment, and complications of clavicularfractures and dislocations. Clinicalsymptoms and treatment, and complications of shoulderdislocations. Rotatorcuffinjuries. Principles and objective of physiotherapy.
Dr. Andrew Pozder
Injuries of theHumerusdistalends, shoulder and lowerarm.
Dr. Andrew Pozder
Typicalradialfractures. Fractures of theScaphoidbone and pseudoarthrosis. Fractures and dislocation and Carpalbones. The principles and methods of surgical and physiotherapeuticaltreatment of theCarpalbones. Metacarpals; fractures of thefinger; surgical and physiotherapeuticaltreatment.
Dr. KurokawaTakayuki
Injuries of flexor and extensortendons; Methods of surgicalinjuries. The principle of Kleiner’smethod of physiotherapy. Complications. Methods of physiotherapy post-operativetreatment. Injuries of peripheralnerves, theprocess of nerveregeneration. Injuries, treatment and physiotherapy and electricaltreatment of thenerves of theupperlimb. Treatment and physiotherapyforinjuries of theBrachialplexus.
Dr. Andrew Pozder
The pathomechanisms, clinicalsymptoms, surgicaltreatments of Femoralneckfractures. Principles, methods and difficulties, and thefollowup of Femoralneckfracture. Complications of Complications of Femoralneckfractures. Principles of primary and secondaryprostheticimplantation.
Surgicaltreatment and followup of intertrochantericfractures and subtrochantericfractures.
Surgicaltreatment of Femoralshaftfractures and themethod of physiotherapy. Formation, clinicalsymptoms, surgicaltreatment and followup of Supracondylarfractures. Treatment of patellarfractures.
Dr. Csete Károly
The pathomechanism, clinicalsymptoms, surgicaltreatment of leg fractures. Physiotherapy of leg fractures. Surgicaltreatment of open leg fractures. Possibilities and methods of physiotherapy. Formation and treatment of complications of leg fractures.
Pilon fractures. The pathomechanism, clinicalsymptoms, surgicaltreatment of anklefractures. Methods of followups. Ligament injuries. Treatment and followup of Achilles tendonruptures. Treatment of Talus, Calcaneus, Metatarsus and footinjuries,
Dr. KurokawaTakayuki
Injuries of themeniscus. The pathomechanism, clinicalsymptoms, and thesurgicaltreatment. Luxation of thepatella. Principles of theCruciate ligament injuries and itsclinicalsymptoms. Methods of surgicaltherapy and complexphysiotherapy. Classification and symptoms of thefractures of theTibialhead. The surgical and physiotherapeuticaltreatments.
Dr. Andrew Pozder
Pediatric trauma. Geriatric trauma. Trauma during pregnancy. Sport related trauma.
Abdominalinjuries. Bluntabdominalinjuries. Penetratingabdominalinjuries. Parenchymal and intra-abdominalorganinjuries. The protocol and principles of treatment of abdominalinjuries.
Dr. KurokawaTakayuki
Diagnostic, treatment and follow-up of spinalinjuries. Diagnostics of spinalcordinjuries, and themethods and possibilities of physiotherapy.
Dr. Csete Károly
The composition of polytrauma. Treatment of polytraumatizedpatients.
Thoracic trauma. Trauma of thechestwalls. Costalfractures. Pneumothorax. Haemothorax. Highenergychest trauma; compression and decelerationdiagnostics and treatment. Penetratingchestinjuries.
Dr. KurokawaTakayuki
Pelvicfractures; clinicalsymptoms, classification and surgicaltherapy. Principles of follow-up. The diagnostics, treatment, and physiotherapy of urogenitalinjuries. Forms and treatment of acetabularfractures. Treatment of luxation of hipdislocations.
Dr. Csete Károly