1.The involvement of galectin-1 and cell-surface glycosylation pattern in the T-cell abnormalities of systemic lupus erythematosus
László Kovács, Márta Bocskai in co-operation with the Lymphocyte Signal Transduction Laboratory at the Institute of Genetics,
Biological Research Centre, Lymphocyte Signalling Laboratory, Department of Genetics, Szeged - Enikő Szabó, Ágnes Czibula, Éva Monostori

2. Complex immunophenotyping by singe cell mass cytometry in systemic autoimmune diseases
Attila Balog, Szilárd Burcsár, Borisz Varga in cooperation with the Biological Research Centre, Funtional Genomic Laboratory, Szeged - Gábor Szebeni and László Puskás,

3. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (supar) as a novel biomarker of lupus nephritis activity

Attila Balog, Szilárd Burcsár in cooperation with the Department of Laboratory Medicine, Semmelweis University, Budapest - Barna Vásárhelyi

4. The predictive value of soluble microRNA-s and various clinical parameters on remission after the dose-tapering or discontinuation of

biological therapies in rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. A Hungarian prospective multicentre controlled study

László Kovács, Gabriella Kádár in cooperation with the University of Pécs (Grácia Kurucz, Gábor Kumánovics), University of Debrecen
(Mónika Czókolyova, Zoltán Szekanecz), and Biological Research Centre Szeged, Institute of Genetics - Ágnes Czibula

5. Kinurenic pathway in rheumatic diseases
Attila Balog, Borisz Varga in coopertaion with the Department of Microbiology and Immunobiology - Yvette Mándi

6. Novel psychodiagnostic tests and inflammatory biomarkers for the
Characterisation of cognitive impairment in SLE

László Kovács, Rita Hemelein, Emese Fazekas, Szilárd Burcsár in
cooperation with the Department of Psychiatry - János Kálmán, Zsolt
Datki, Zita Oláh, Beatrix Rafael

7. The value of resting and stress echocardiography and in assessment of altered
Haemodynamic parameters in axial spondylarthropathies and in systemic sclerosis

Attila Balog, Szilárd Burcsár, Daniella Hulló, László Kovács in cooperation with the Department of
Internal Medicine – Albert Varga, Gergely Ágoston

8. The prognostic value of cardiopulmonary exercise test in the prediction of parameters of adverse clinical outcome in systemic

László Kovács, Rita Hemelein, Daniella Huló, Diána Dobi, in
cooperation with the Department of Pulmonology – (Attila Somfay,
Imre Lajkó, Regina Pálföldi) and Department of Internal Medicine
– (Albert Varga, Gergely Ágoston)

9. Ocular corneal and retinal involvements in rheumatic diseases 
Szilárd Burcsár, Attila Balog in cooperation with the Department of Opthtalmology - Nicolette Sohár and Lilla Smeller

10. The role of FDG-PET CT in the assessment of myocardial involvement in systemic sclerosis
László Kovács, Rita Hemelein, in co-operation with the Department
of Internal Medicine (Gergely Ágoston, Albert Varga) and the
Department of Nuclear Medicine (Zsuzsanna Besenyi, Annamária Bakos,
László Pávics)

11. The value of whole body SPECT-MRI to identify active spondyloarthritis
László Kovács, Rita Hemelein, in co-operation with the Department
of Nuclear Medicine (Zsuzsanna Besenyi, Annamária Bakos, László