University of Szeged

Competence Centre for Drug Development and Clinical Trials

Investigator-initiated trials

In Hungary the authorization process for various kinds of medical research highly differ. We differentiate between clinical trials with investigational medical products, clinical trials with medical devices and interventional and non-interventional medical research.


1. Interventional medical research conducted on humans

Competent authority: National Public Health and Pharmaceutical Center (NNGYK, formerly: OGYÉI)

Ethics committee: One of the Committees of the Medical Research Council is responsible for ethical evaluation:

  • National Scientific and Ethical Committee (TUKEB) - evaluates most of interventional medical research.
  • National Ethics Committee for Human Reproduction (HRB) - evaluates single- and multi-site medical research dealing with interventions for human reproduction, with human genetics and advanced medicinal products (cell and gene therapy).
  • Regional Scientific and Ethical Committees (RKEBs) - there are 10 such committees covering the territory of Hungary. They evaluate biomedical research of local or regional coverage, when the competent authority involves them.


2. Non-interventional medical research conducted on humans

Competent authority: National Scientific and Ethical Committee (TUKEB) evaluates all non-interventional medical research as competent authority.


3. Interventional and non-interventional medical device clinical trials

Competent authority: National Public Health and Pharmaceutical Center (NNGYK, formerly: OGYÉI)

Ethics committee: National Scientific and Ethical Committee (TUKEB)


4. Clinical trials with investigational medical products

Competent authority: National Public Health and Pharmaceutical Center (NNGYK, formerly: OGYÉI)

Ethics committee: National Ethics Committee for Clinical Pharmacology (KFEB)



If a researcher from University of Szeged plans to initiate a medical research or clinical trial on humans the colleagues of Competence Centre for Drug Development and Clinical trials are ready to guide them through the authorization process.



Noémi MÉSZÁROSNÉ DR. SITERI – research manager
