Scientific supervisor:
Dr. Zsolt Geretovszky
Operations manager:
Hős Adrienn
At the 3D centre of the University of Szeged, we consider it our mission to provide an inspiring professional environment and top-notch infrastructure for additive manufacturing (AM) and for related 3D technologies in order to exploit their full potential.
Our tasks include:
- performing state-of-the-art, internationally acclaimed R+D in the field of additive manufacturing;
- supporting R+D work at the University’s faculties with metal and plastic printing;
- coordinating all know-how and incentives related to AM at a university level;
- integrating our University to the scientific AM community and continuously increasing the number of R+D+I projects in cooperation with national and international research groups and industrial partners;
- marketing our AM-related competences – mainly in the form of know-how, patents, and/or technological solutions – to those agents of the market who haven’t manufactured their products by 3D printing or to those who wish to apply new and improved methods in their value chain;
- becoming a regional, then a national knowledge centre where university students and lecturers in particular, but industrial partners as well, can experience, learn, and master 3D printing.
We believe that the 3D Centre of the University of Szeged is the best place for learning, performing, developing and applying AM.
Fields of Research and Development:
• the 3D printing of sub-mm structures;
• the adoption and development of AM design methodologies and protocols;
• the R+D of AM materials;
• the fabrication of archimats and functionally graded materials and the examination of their nature;
• the simulation of certain processes of AM technologies;
• the application of AM to overcome challenges in the fields of life sciences, physical science, pharmacy, and medicine;
• the extraction of spatial anatomical information (segmentation), and their automated preparation for printing.
• Counselling (optimization of printing, technology and material selection, (re)design)
• 3D printing
• 3D scanning
• Heat treatment in inert atmospheres
• Training