


Stipendium Hungaricum

Stipendium Hungaricum

2016. March 17.
4 perc

Stipendium Hungaricum is a recently introduced scholarship programme coordinated and financed by the Government of Hungary.

In this article you can find detailed information about:

The Aim of the Programme
How to Apply for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme?
Financial Details of the Scholarship
Language of the Programme
Options for Preparatory Programme
Mentor System by Erasmus Student Network
Information about Inquiries

The Aim of the Programme

The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme was launched in 2013 by the Hungarian Government. The core mission of the programme is to increase the number of foreign students in Hungary and to encourage Hungarian higher education institutions to attract top foreign students.

How to Apply for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme?

Before submitting your application, please read the current Call for Application carefully.
In case of an interest contact the sending partner in your country;
Start your application on the online application system after 15th of November by choosing the University of Szeged. Submit all the necessary application documents to the online application system.
You are entitled to apply for two programmes at a time.
The Sending Partner pre-selects the submitted applications and sends a nomination and a reserve list to Tempus Public Foundation. Please note that applications will not be taken into consideration in the following cases: Hungarian citizens (including those with dual citizenships), persons granted a refugee status (“menekült), persons enjoying temporary protection (“menekültes”), persons admitted for subsidiary protection (“oltalmazott”) and persons granted temporary protection (“befogadott”).
The University of Szeged informs the formally correct applicants about the details (date and method) of the admission examination, evaluation.
After the evaluation of the entrance exam and application documents, the Board of Trustees of Tempus Public Foundation makes a decision about the applications.
Final results are sent by Tempus Public Foundation. Sccessful applicants need to accept their scholarship offer.

Scholarship Covers:

- Full tuition fee;
- Monthly stipend: non-degree, bachelor, master and one-tier master level: monthly amount of HUF 43 700 (cca EUR 130) contribution to the living expenses in Hungary, for 12 months a year, until the completion of studies. On doctoral level: according to the current Hungarian legislation, the monthly amount of scholarship is HUF 140 000 (cca EUR 450) for the first phase of education (4 semesters) and HUF 180 000 (cca EUR 580) for the second phase (4 semesters) - for 12 months a year, until completion of studies.
- Accommodation in dormitory or HUF 40.000 per month for living expenses for the whole calendar year;
- Health insurance for 12 months.

Although the scholarship is a generous package students may need other financial source to cover all the expenses while studying at SZTE. For further information about the cost of living in Szeged, visit this page.

Language of the Programme

Most students choose programmes in English, but many of them have applied for study programmes in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Turkish, or in Hungarian.


Preparatory Programme covered by the Scholarship

The Hungarian Studies Center of the University offers an intensive two-semester preparatory programme in Hungarian as a foreign language for international students who wish to study at a Hungarian university. For more information, click here.


Mentor system by Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

ESN Mentors, as members of a non-governmental, volunteer-based student organisation in Europe, are volunteers who help foreign students settling down in Szeged. In cooperation with the University, they help newly arrived students starting their academic and social life at SZTE and Szeged. ESN and their events bring international students closer to the local community, and last but not least, they make friends with them, all in order to provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of students helping students and to build a more peaceful and unified Europe of tomorrow. For more information click here.



In case academic questions please turn to the contact person indicated in the description of your programme interest, in case of questions regarding Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship application, please contact :

Leona Kovács-Jerney Dr., e-mail:, Annamária Szécsi, e-mail:, Diana Katsidis, e-mail:, Szilvia Dora, e-mail: or follow us on Facebook.