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EUGLOH_logo_white European University Alliance for Global Health


The European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) brings together 9 universities from across Europe. Combining their outstanding expertise in Global Health, EUGLOH aims to build a European University in the future including joint training programs, research activities and campus life.

EUGLOH is not physically located in one place but it is a cooperation between universities in Paris, France (Université Paris-Saclay), Lund, Sweden (Lund University), Munich, Germany (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Porto, Portugal (Universidade do Porto) Szeged, Hungary (University of Szeged), Novi Sad, Serbia (University of Novi Sad), Alcalá de Henares, Spain, (Alcalá University), Hamburg, Germany, (Universität Hamburg) and Tromso, Norway, (UiT The Arctic University of Norway).

EUGLOH’s visions and objectives are:EUGLOH_partners

  • Training the future generations of European innovators, practitioners, experts and leaders serving all sectors of the society, ready to face interdisciplinary societal challenges related to Global Health
  • Becoming a world-class higher education alliance focused on Global Health and well-being challenges
  • Promoting European values, such as solidarity, equality of opportunities, inclusiveness, respect for human rights and full access to welfare
  • Setting the foundation of a common European health area
  • Building a European campus with a high level of integration sustained by joint procedures and structures
  • Boosting attractiveness and competitiveness of European higher education, research and innovation

For more information, visit EUGLOH’s website.

EUGLOH Partner Universities

The European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) brings together 9 universities from across Europe.
Combining their outstanding expertise in Global Health, EUGLOH will build the European University of the future.

The unique network is characterised by:

  • Long-lasting collaboration in higher education and research
  • Extensive expertise in a variety of fields related to Global Health
  • Unique set of large-scale infrastructures
  • Strong research and socio-economic ecosystems
  • Broad geographic and cultural diversity


Local Student Board


Students play an important role in the life of EUGLOH. Besides being its target audience, the students are also a part of EUGLOH's governance. The Student Board is one of EUGLOH's key bodies, which fully consists of students. Each work package benefits from the presence of their dedicated students, who are active participants at each meeting and represent the view and opinion of students in general. The EUGLOH Student Board holds regular meetings to assess and discuss ongoing topics in each EUGLOH Work Package.

Meet the Student Board members of the University of Szeged:

PhD - Biology, Faculty of Science and Informatics

President, Executive Board Member


MD - General Medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School

External Relations Vice President, Work Package 7 Representative

MSc - Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School


BSc - Business Administration and Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Student Engagement Vice President


BSc - Commence and Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Communications Vice President


BSc - Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture

Student Board Member, Work Package 2 Representative


MSc Geoinformatics, Faculty of Science and Informatics

Student Board Member, Work Package 3 Representative


MA Hungarian language and literature teaching education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student Board Member, Work Package 4 Representative


BSc Business Administration and Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Student Board Member, Work Package 5 Representative


BSc Finance and accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Student Board Member, Work Package 6 Representative


MSc International Economy and Business, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Student Board Member, Work Package 8 Representative


BSc Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture

Student Board Member


Ba English and American Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student Board Member


MD General Medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School

Student Board Member


MD General Medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School

Student Board Member


BSc Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies

Student Board Member


BSc Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

Student Board Member


BSc Business Administration and Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Student Board Member


BSc Tourism and catering, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Student Board Member


BSc Business Administration and Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Student Board Member


BSc Business Administration and Management Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Student Board Member


BA Performance – Piano, Bartók Béla Faculty of Arts


Student Board Member


MD General Medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School

Student Board Member


EUGLOH Diaries

Welcome to Eugloh Diaries 2025, your go-to source for the latest news, updates, and stories from the SZTE Eugloh community.


"Welcome to Eugloh Diaries, your go-to source for the latest news, updates, and stories from the SZTE Eugloh community."


Events and Mobility


Based on their complementary expertise and outstanding research resources in Global Health, the nine universities united in EUGLOH are driven by the common goal to offer excellent education and training to future generations of European leaders, innovators, experts and practitioners.

To this end, EUGLOH sets up a broad range of different study and mobility programmes catering to the individual needs and interests of their students and staff.

There's a contsant offer of various courses, events, mobilities and programmes available for students of various levels in all EUGLOH partner universities.

Browse the upcoming events on EUGLOH's website.

University of Szeged Biweekly EUGLOH Newsletter
You can download the University of Szeged EUGLOH newsletters to learn about the institutions involvement in the project, achievements, future possibilities and many other useful information.


To keep up with our latest news, read our newsletters of 2025!


EUGLOH USZ Newsletters for the 2024-25 Academic year.



Addressing Global Health challenges, such as the current pandemic, requires coordinated efforts based on robust collaboration and grounded common purposes. Following this premise, the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) has already set a prosperous precedent in establishing a network focused on education and training in Global Health at European level. The Alliance has also provided fertile ground for the formulation of further joint endeavours in the broad spectrum of Global Health topics and issues, ground from which EUGLOHRIA has emerged.

Financed by the European Commission for the next three years under the "Science with and for Society" call within the Horizon 2020 Program, EUGLOHRIA will consolidate the Alliance's efforts and achievements towards establishing a European University around Global Health by broadening its scope to include the "Research and Innovation" dimension. Building upon EUGLOH's accomplishments in education and training on Global Health, EUGLOHRIA will broadly expand EUGLOH's reach, incorporating cutting-edge research and situating the Alliance as a strategic partner within highly dynamic innovation ecosystems.

EUGLOHRIA aims to establish a world-class higher education, research, and innovation alliance to address current adequately and future Global Health challenges. EUGLOHRIA_logo
EUGLOHRIA pursues following objectives:
  • Consolidate synergies within EUGLOH's joint strategy by developing a Research and Innovation agenda.
  • Enhance the excellence and visibility of the Alliance across the different dimensions of education, research, innovation and societal development.
  • Pave the way to develop an innovative agenda of institutional transformation aiming to impact future similar cross-sectoral endeavours.
  • Contribute to securing the influence and significance of the Alliance's long-term plan to set the foundation of a common European health area.
  • Contribute to tackling Global Health challenges generating adequate conditions for the sustainable development of the "Research and Innovation" dimension.
  • Provide best practice models of transnational and cross-sectoral institutional cooperation for future European programs and projects.


Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union