University of Szeged


Administration at public authorities

How to acquire your residence permit and how to request your Hungarian Tax ID number

Residence permit and registration card

Once you have entered the country, you will have to legalize your extended stay in Hungary. For students from countries outside the EU and EEA, their residence permit has to be acquired. For students from EU and EEA countires, a registration card has to be made.

For detailed information on these procedures, please click here.

Hungarian Tax ID number

Students awarded scholarships coordinated by Tempus Public Fundation (such as Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship, Hungarian DIASPORA Scholarship, SZTE Start Scholarship) are requested to have a Hungarian Tax ID number in order to be able to open a bank account.

Students can request a Hungarian Tax ID number by filling in the this form in Hungarian and by handing in the hardcopy to the Costumer Service of NAV (National Tax Office, Csongrád County Tax and Customs, Bocskai street 14. Szeged). The colleagues of the Tax Office speak English and will take the forms during the opening hours.


Please note that the form has to be submitted strictly in Hungarian, but in order to help you, we provide you translations in English and in French. Again, these are only to assist you in the process. Make sure to tick point 7 in order to receive a tax number immediately.