The popular series of events, called Autumn Cultural Festival, organized every autumn is about to start at the University of Szeged.
The 25th Autumn Cultural Festival will be opened with a special light painting.
On Thursday, 30th of September a colourful series of events will take place at a colourful university since it marks that time of the year when the University of Szeged Rector’s Department is covered in lights.
18.30: A joint performance by the Sun City Singers and the Suhancok
Sun City Singers band members: Krisztina Károlyfalvi (soprano), Judit Tóth (alto), Péter Szondi (tenor, beatbox), Barnabás Wodala (bass-baritone)
Suhancok band members: Ádám Fülöp, Tamás Király, Dániel Horváth, Levente Horváth
19.30 Light painting: – SZTE – University in Vivid Colors
Performing: Dr. Taka Kurokawa

20.00: Cimbaliband Concert - The Fonó Klub Szeged season opening concert
Band members: Balázs Unger (cimbalom, vocals), Kornél Varga (guitar, cobalt), Máté Solymosi (violin), Gergely Tóth (double bass, viola), Lőrinc Babos (drums, darbuka, percussion, kettle, vocals)