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Europe at home – summer programmes with EUGLOH

Europe at home – summer programmes with EUGLOH

2020. May 05.
2 perc

Online courses to earn credits with the best universities in Europe.

Within the EUGLOH project, several virtual workshops will be organized in summer 2020 that are open to attend for students of the University of Szeged. It is not necessary to travel to the organising country to attend. A certificate can be earned with the completion of the courses, therefore credits can be earned at the SZTE.

Writing Global Health: A Virtual Workshop Series

25th May 2020 – 25th June 2020

Organisers: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany & Université Paris-Saclay, France

Conducting research is one thing, but how can we make sure that our findings are widely disseminated? Presenting skills are also required when describing research results and outcomes. This is the primary objective of this EUGLOH virtual workshop.

All participants are welcome at the mini course of LMU München and Paris-Saclay as this programme can be a great help to write your thesis as well.

For more information and registration by 18th May 2020, visit this website.

EUGLOH Summer School on Large-Scale Facilities for Global Health: Opportunities, Project Writing and Career Orientation

29th June 2020 – 2nd July 2020

Organiser: Université Paris-Saclay, France

Students and researchers of all study programmes and levels are warmly welcome in Paris, however we offer you a virtual trip this summer: a four-day summer university aims to grasp the importance the value of large-scale facilities (such as ELI-ALPS of Szeged, SOLEIL synchrotron of France or MAX IV synchrotron of Sweden) when it comes to solve scientific issues related to global health. The last two days of the school will be dedicated to practical sessions.

For more information and registration by 31st May 2020, visit this website.