News  --  Archive  --  2018



Fulbright Roadshow at the University of Szeged

Fulbright Roadshow at the University of Szeged

2018. April 12.
2 perc

An information day about Fulbright Hungary and Fulbright grants was held at the University of Szeged on April 6th.

There are 49 Fulbright Commissions worldwide. Among others these organizations are responsible for planning and implementing educational exchanges, recruiting and nominating candidates for fellowships. Prof. Dr. Katalin Nagy the Vice Rector for International Affairs greeted the audience: ‘I consider the months I could spend in the U.S. with the support of Fulbright as one of the most important part of my life.’


Dr. Károly Jókay, the Executive Director of the Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission, gave an interesting informative presentation to prospective participants. As he said Fulbright is always in a difficult situation since there are numerous excellent application each year. He added that not only are professional and academic achievements considered but the ability of being a cultural ambassador is just as important when evaluating applications.


Andrea Nagy assistant research fellow of the Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics of SZTE, a former Fulbright scholarship holder at Michigan State University in 2017 also shared her experience.

Above all Dénes Mátyás - officer of the Directorate General for Quality Management Strategic Planning of the University - emphasized how the world opens up and how personal and professional skills are developed with the help of this scholarship opportunity.

For more information about Fulbright Comission worldwide click here and watch the video about application process.



Fotó: L. É.