The „Gateway” Chinese-Hungarian Student Exchange Program finished another successful semester. Sixteen Chinese students received their certificates, as the result of their hard work during the semester, at the closing ceremony.
Prof. Dr. Krisztina Karsai, Vice-Rector and former Director of the “Gateway” Program, represented the University and welcomed the students.The Faculty of Law and Political Scineces and the Program were represented by Péter Mezei dr. habil. Associate Dean for International Affairs and Norbert Varga PhD, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, also current Program Director of the “Gateway”.

On behalf of the Confucius Institue, Dr. Wang Lei, the Chinese Director of the Institue, welcomed the students on their native language and acknowledged the success of this Program.
Following the formal part of the ceremony, the students and their teachers took a picture in front of the Faculty building, thereby symbolizing the strong cooperation between the two countries.

The guest students expressed their good feelings about our program, our university, our city. Moreover, they acknowledged that they will return to China with significantly more knowledge in the field of law. Such a feedback represents the hallmark of the persistent and successful work of our educators and organizers.