An exhibition entitled ’Faces of SZTE’ was opened on the 24th of October in József Attila Study and Information Centre. The portraits made by Anna Bobkó – the photo reporter of the University of Szeged – give an insight into the multicultural milieu of the institution.
According to official data from the Ministry of Education, the University of Szeged is the third most popular university among foreign students in the rural country. While 2,632 foreign students enrolled in the Academic Year of 2015-2016, their number rose to 3,208 in the following year. Students are coming from all corners of the world: from Canada to South Africa; from Bolivia to China and from all the continents. Indonesia, Guinea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jamaica are just a few of the countries represented in the student body. The portraits of Anna Bobkó give an insider’s view of the multicultural life at SZTE.
The opening event of the exhibition also provided an opportunity for the foreign students to get to know each other; Prof. Dr. Katalin Nagy, Vice Rector for International Affairs addressed a celebratory opening speech.