The opening ceremony of this academic year was organized by Francophone University Centre on 6th and 8th October. The events were attended by francophone teachers and students of SZTE, representatives of Algerian and French diplomacy as well as representatives of partner higher education institutions and former French government scholars.
The French cooperation play a major strategic role in the international relations of the University. The scientific and cultural events have created an opportunity to strengthen the existing cooperation.
An international conference titled “Nations, nationalismes, minorités et migrations dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen entre 1945 et 1989” held between 6th and 7th October and organized by the Institute of History, Faculty of Arts, (SZTE)and Pascal Paoli University, Corsica, where Hungarian, French, Portuguese, Corsican, Greek and Tunisian instructors gave a lecture in French. Habib Kazdaghli, dean of Faculty of Arts, Tunis-Manouba University – awarded "Pro Facultate Philosophiae" by the vice-dean of Faculty of Arts, SZTE on October 6th – also attended the conference.
The opening ceremony of academic year of the International Studies master degree programme of Faculty of Law and Political Science was organized on 7th October. 55 francophone students from various countries in Europe and Africa and of course from Hungary ware greeted by Éric Fournier, Ambassador of France in Budapest, Prof. Dr. Attila Badó, Head of Institute and Sergiu Miscoiu, Director for International Relations, University of Babes-Bolyai.
The Society of Former French Governmental Scholars held its external meeting in Szeged in the afternoon 7th October. Later Peter Kruzslicz and Dezső Kis were promoted in the Order of the French Academic Palms recognizing their eminent service to French education and their active contribution to the prestige of French culture.
The range of these cultural and academic programmes further strengthened the already existing international cooperations. The ones in French language play a strategic role in the long term plans regarding the University’s international relations.