

Tourism and Catering (BSc)

Tourism and Catering (BSc)

2019. October 24.
2 perc

About the Programme

The main aim of the Faculty is to provide students with professional knowledge giving them a definite advantage on the job market, at the same time catering for the region’s demand of highly trained graduates with excellent communication skills and foreign language knowledge.


The programme provides a sound theoretical basis in tourism and hospitality for the students' future careers focusing on current tourism industry trends and on introducing the students to modern, digital and online touristic tools. It also puts an emphasis on leadership skills, regional and local marketing, country image and brand building.


Level of the programme: Bachelor

Duration of the programme: 8 semesters

Registered in: EU

Credits: 240


Who should apply?

The programme is intended for students who plan to pursue a Bachelor of Tourism and Catering in English by completing this four year long course.

Application requirements: High school diploma, a demonstrated proficiency in English (Intermediate, B2, or equivalent) and an online written and oral entrance examination test. Candidates with a valid SAT-score in mathematics above a certain level and an acceptable English certificate (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.) are admitted without taking the entrance exam.

Application Step by Step

1. Choose your programme and read the programme description on our website. Each descriptions includes a direct link to the online application platform.

2. Click on Apply Now button in the programme description and sign up for the online application platform.

3. Fill in the online application form, upload the necessary documents and make sure to pay the application fee.

For further information and application tips, click here.

Apply here!

Start of the programme: September of each year

Tuition fee: 2700 EUR / semester

Application fee: 79 EUR

Entrance Exam fee: 200 EUR


For more information visit our website or contact Melinda Kovács via e-mail or call +36 62 546 486.