

Economics (PhD)

Economics (PhD)

2016. March 08.
2 perc
About the programme

The objective of the Doctoral School in Economics is to qualify candidates for individual scientific research and to train well-qualified professionals with a variety of accomplishments. Answering theoretical and practical questions related to the operation of the economy has necessitated increasingly complex approaches in the past decades. Exploring the most important socio economic problems of our times and providing support to meet all challenges require solutions that presuppose the adoption of knowledge acquired in different fields of science.

The Doctoral School equips students with complex theoretical and methodological skills essential for understanding the operation and the challenges of today’s economic systems. Addressing the current pressing socio-economic challenges necessitates visions and solutions that are based on multidisciplinary knowledge production. The programme is designed in a way that students may acquire relevant insights not only from the field of economics but also from related disciplines. After the first year, students in our doctoral school specialise in one of the following training programmes: (1) Economic Policy and Globalization; or (2) Ecological Economics.

More details available here.

International Research Programme: (1) Economic Policy and Globalization; or (2) Ecological Economics.

Level of the programme: PhD

Length of the programme: 4+4 semesters

Registered in: EU

Credits: 240



Application requirements: MA Degree in economics or business studies* (), a demonstrated proficiency in English (Intermediate, B2; or equivalent certificate IELT S 6.0, TOE FL 95), a research proposal (indicating to which research topic offered by the Doctoral School the Applicant’s topic is related) and an individual interview online.

Online application

Start of the programme September of each year

Tuition fee: 5000 EUR / semester

Application fee: 79 EUR

Entrance Exam fee: 200 EUR

For further information visit our website or contact Dr Kuruczleki Éva, or call +36 62 544 632.

*Academic Records: an official English version OR translation of your full transcript including an explanation of the grading system, and an official English version OR translation of your degree.
