Students have the opportunity to purchase the Generali Studium Health Insurance through the University. In case of certain programmes, the tuition fee includes the fee of the health insurance (please contact your faculty to check).
The Studium Health Insurance – valid in Hungary - provides full coverage for the costs of medical treatment falling into the scope of the insurance and 50% of coverage of the costs of medicine and therapeutic aids.
According to the Generali contract, the cost of medicines shall be paid in the pharmacy where you buy them, while the fee for emergency care shall be paid at the cash desk of the University of Szeged (SZTE).
You can ask the Generali insurance company to refund 50% of medicine costs and 100% of the emergency care fee up to the limit amounts specified in the contract.
Note that there are exclusions and cases of relief related to the insurance coverage in which cases the Insurance Company does not cover the costs of treatment (eg. medical treatment arising from the consumption of alcohol and drugs; pre-existing conditions which displayed symptoms and/or were diagnosed before the commencement of the coverage and their consequences; health care services related to pregnancy or child birth; psychiatric and psychotherapy treatment; dental treatment).
In case any of the above applies to you, make sure to have a complementary insurance.
Costs of medical care received at the University clinics generally do not have to be pre-financed, however if treatment was not justified or falls into the exclusions, the student has to pay for the costs of treatment on spot.
If your claim is grounded, the insurance company shall reimburse your medical expenses – up to the applicable limit and reduced by the deductible – usually within 60 days upon receipt of all documents to the insurance company necessary for the assessment of the claim.
Health care of Generali Studium Health Insurance holders is coordinated by Mediversal Healthcare Services Ltd.
Address (custumer service): 6725 Szeged, Semmelweis u. 8.
Call Center: +36 70 439 21 88
If you are ill and you need medical attention:
- In all cases, you must first register for a GP visit and book an appointment through the MODULO SYSTEM.
- In urgent cases and between 16 p.m. and 7 a.m. on weekdays, at weekends and on public holidays, you can call the MEDIVERSAL CALL CENTER, which is available 0-24 at +36 70 439 2188, and then choose the Generali STUDIUM menu item! In justified cases, your GP will see you as a matter of urgency.
- If you are ill but you are not in Szeged, you must also call the CALL CENTER, which is available 0-24 at +36 70 439 2188, and then choose the Generali STUDIUM menu item. They will try to help you and inform you about the possibilities and further to-dos.
- Your GP: University of Szeged, Alber Szent-Györgyi Medical School, Department of Family Medicine, Training Health Centre (SZTE SZAOK Családorvosi Intézet Oktató Rendelője), the Teaching Office of the Medical School's Primary Care Institute, 6722 Szeged Tisza Lajos krt. 97. Floor I (mezzanine ground floor) Office 21 and 22. Reception times:
How to receive the insurance:
- In order to receive the insurance you have to be active in Neptun system and your financial status needs to be in order. In case you are entitled to receive the insurance, your insurance will be automatically activated in the Modulo system which can be accessed by the GP, the clinics the Insurance Company. Freshmen are going to receive an insurance card and contract upon joining the insurance plan which is issued by the Student Service Office (HSZI).
- If you have to pay for the insurance (if it is not included in your tuition fee/scholarship), the Student Service Office (HSZI) will generate a payment obligation which will show up in your Neptun account under Finances/Payments. You will be able to pay in Neptun via a simple online card transaction. When the payment is completed, the status of the payment obligation will change to “fulfilled” in Neptun, so you will be able to see if your payment was successful. Once your payment is completed, HSZI will be able to validate your insurance.
For further information about the Generali Studium health insurance, please contact the Student Service Office (HSZI):
Address: 6724 Szeged, Ady tér 10.
in the University Library Building
Phone: + 36 62 544-794
Opening hours: from Monday till Friday, 9.00-15.00
Please find below some useful documents related to the Generali Studium Health Insurance:
- Generali_Studium_Health_Insurance_2023
- Generali_Studium_product_Information_EN
- Generali_Studium_product_Information_HU
- Generali_Studium_terms_and_conditions_EN
- Generali_Studium_terms_and_conditions_HU