Psychology BA

Psychology BA

2024. December 05.
3 perc

About the Programme

The programme trains professionals who will possess the essential theoretical and practical knowledge, the fundamental methods of Psychology and who are familiar with the applied areas of psychology on a basic level. This course equips students with a blend of professional techniques and transferable skills that are highly sought after by employers and that can be used in many operational settings as well as private structures. Our professors and lecturers of experts also place great importance on developing an awareness of ethical sensitivity. This programme provides a solid foundation for any further MA studies in Psychology, and it also ensures mastering the base modules of the faculty of Education by providing educational, human development and communication knowledge that is suitable for the master’s degree in Pedagogy and Andragogy.

Level of the programme: BA

Duration of the programme: 6 semesters

Qualification: Human Behavior Analyst

Registered in: EU and in Hungary

Credits: 180

Who should apply?

The programme is intended for students who plan to pursue a career as a psychologist or find a position as a consultant. All applicants are evaluated based on their overall ability to contribute to and benefit from the program.

Application requirements: Certified Secondary School Certificate or High School Leaving Certificate and the transcript. A demonstrated proficiency in English at B2 or equivalent level (IELTS, TOEFL? TELS, Euroexam, Language Cert or CFC, CAE). Those applicants who conducted their studies in an institution where the medium of instruction was fully English can provide an official statement from their secondary school as a proof.

Entrance Exam: Applicants are asked to join an online call) to share their screens with the examiners and turn on their cameras and take the written test online. The platform of the examination will be shared before the exam and a link will be provided.

Questions will be based on: Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Hilgard, E. R., Atkinson, R. L., Atkinson, R. C., Fredrickson, B. L., Loftus, G. R., & Lutz, C. (2014). Atkinson & Hilgard’s introduction to psychology (16th edition). Cengage Learning EMEA. ISBN: 978-1-4080-4410-0 The required chapters: 1. The Nature of Psychology, 5. Perception, 8. Memory, 10. Motivation, 11. Emotion, 13. Personality, 14. Stress, Health, and Coping, 17. Social Influence. Preparation for the test is recommended.

Click here to APPLY

Start of the programme: September of each year

Tuition fee: 3500 EUR / semester

Application fee: 79 EUR

Entrance Exam fee: 100 EUR


With questions regarding the courses and the programme please contact Nikolett Görög at, with questions regarding the application process the International Office of the Faculty at