Need a Doctor
In case of an emergency
No matter what type of insurance you have, in case of an emergency you have to:
- either call the ambulance at 104 (from a Hungarian network)
- or go to the ER: Clinical Center, Emergency Patient Care Independent Unit (SBO): 6725 Szeged, Semmelweis utca 6. Phone: +36 62/342 – 477 / 488 / 499
Please make sure to have your documents (passport, residence permit, a copy of student status certificate and a copy of the accommodation reporting form with you), and your insurance card(s) with you. It is possible that you will need to pay for the treatment, and get reimbursed later – depending on the type of your insurance.
In case of other medical issues
We strongly recommend to pick a General Practitioner (GP) soon after your arrival. This will save you a lot of trouble in case you have health issues, since the GP will be your gateway to any kind of healthcare services. The procedure to find your GP varies according to your type of insurance.
• If you have Generali Studium Health Insurance, you can find all the information on how to book an appointment with your GP or any other medical specialist on this website. You don’t need to find a GP yourself, it is taken care of in the framework of the insurance.
• If you have a TAJ-card, you need to contact your GP first in case of non-life-threatening medical issues. If necessary, your GP may redirect you to a specialist for special treatment. Prescribed medicines can be bought at any pharmacies with the prescription from the doctor. You can find the GP of your liking on the following website. You can pick any of them, however the site allows for searching the practitioner closest to where you live. (Go to Orvosi Körzet kereső 2021, click “Háziorvos”, which is Hungarian for GP and unclick the rest, choose your street from the drop-down menu below, and then click the “Keres” button).
• If you have a European Health Insurance Card, you need to contact your GP first in case of non-life-threatening medical issues. If necessary, your GP may redirect you to a specialist for special treatment. Prescribed medicines can be bought at any pharmacies with the prescription from the doctor. You need the find the GP assigned to your place of residence on the following website. You don’t have any choice here, you need to pick to one dedicated to your address. (Go to Orvosi Körzet kereső 2021, click “Háziorvos”, which is Hungarian for GP and unclick the rest, choose your street from the drop-down menu below, and then click the “Keres” button).
• If you have your own, private (international) health insurance, please follow the procedure as described in the manual provided.