2024. July 3., Wednesday

Karikó Katalin érkezik Sulyok Tamás társaságában, balról a köztársasági elnök felesége, Nagy Zsuzsanna. Fotók: Sahin-Tóth István, Kovács-Jerney Ádám

The President of Hungary at the gala dinner of SZTE: Katalin Karikó remained true to herself along her success

The management of the University of Szeged welcomed Katalin Karikó, research professor, who donated her Nobel Prize to her Alma Mater, at a gala dinner. The main patron of the event, Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, also attended the gala evening at the József Attila Study and Information Centre of the University of Szeged on 16 April. In his welcome speech, the head of state stressed that Katalin Karikó remained true to herself even after reaching the top of the world, returning to where she started from and taking responsibility for her country.

- Katalin Karikó, as a great scientist and a brilliant mind, has recently received most - if not all - of the professional awards and prizes. She was honoured with recognitions that only a few on earth are granted. Nevertheless, there is also scientific work behind it, discoveries that only few are able to do. Contemplating with admiration her decades of determination, which she was able to convert into saving lives in times of need - said Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, at the gala dinner in honour of Katalin Karikó at the SZTE TIK on 16 April.

Karikó Katalin és Sulyok Tamás, előttük a köztársasági elnök felesége, Nagy Zsuzsanna. Fotó: Kovács-Jerney Ádám

Karikó Katalin and Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary and his wife Zsuzsanna Nagy

- Today, although it is unusual for a programme organised by an excellent university, a unique academic centre, I would not pay tribute to the scientist Katalin Karikó, but to a person who is also a world-renowned scientist. To accomplish great deeds, to make great discoveries, is indeed glorious, but to remain true to ourselves being even in the face of success, to look back to where we have come from and to those we belong to, even when we reach the top of the world, that is what is truly wonderful, amazing and fascinating. Only an exceptional person, a noble soul is able to do so - remarked Tamás Sulyok. Katalin Karikó does not owe, but she still gives back. She brings her knowledge home and shares her professional success with us. She brings home what she has earned through her own strength, persistence and effort. Sharing the fruits of her work and her own glory with her country. Her generous donation will never be forgotten by the citizens of the University of Szeged.

Dr. Sulyok Tamás köztársasági elnök

Dr. Tamás Sulyok President of Hungary

The two guests of honour of the gala dinner, the Nobel Prize-winning research professor and the head of state, are linked by the fact that both graduated from the University of Szeged, thus we can say that they came home to Szeged. They both gained valuable knowledge and experiences here that have helped them to advance their careers. At the opening performance of the gala dinner, the Szeged Folk Dance Ensemble performed dances from Magyarszentbenedek.

- When I stand on this stage, I remember how I got here. "Not long ago" I had just passed my first exams, about forty-five years ago. Fifty-five years ago at this very time, I won the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Primary School Children's Wildlife Competition and made it to the national finals. Perhaps it all started at that time? - wondered Katalin Karikó, the honoured guest called on stage. "I feel like I am one of you. When I receive awards, I feel that these are not just for me, but for everyone who taught me to read and write, who taught me different subjects here at the university. All the achievements I have made are also theirs. That is why I brought the authentic replica of the Nobel Prize and transferred the prize money to share it with all those who have been part of it, and in my mind with those who are no longer with us, and to inspire future generations," said the Nobel Prize-winning professor, who was deeply touched. - I was so impressed by the love you welcome me with... During the "Nobel Minds", there was only one section where they shared a film, and that was the one of my reception in Szeged. Fantastic! Everyone said that I was celebrated like a singer, a rock star. I am very grateful, I thank you all very much!


Katalin Karikó: "I am so impressed by the love you welcome me with..."

Tamás Sulyok was accompanied to the dinner by his wife Zsuzsanna Nagy, at the main table where Dr. Judit Fendler, Chancellor of the University of Szeged, Prof. Dr. László Rovó, Rector of the University of Szeged, Prof. Dr. Gábor Szabó, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the University of Szeged, Dr. Péter Takács, State Secretary for Health, Dr. Balázs Hankó, State Secretary for Innovation and Higher Education, Dr. László Salgó, Government Commissioner of Csongrád-Csanád County and László Wolf, Deputy CEO of OTP Bank were seated as well.

Az SZTE díszvacsorája

At the gala dinner of SZTE

SZTE prepared a gift to Katalin Karikó with a Zorán concert - announced Dr. Judit Fendler. The Chancellor once again expressed her gratitude for the generous donation of the Nobel Prize-winning professor to support the students and researchers of the University of Szeged.

Képek az SZTE Karikó Katalint köszöntő díszvacsorájáról
Photos from the gala dinner honoring Katalin Karikó at the University of Szeged. Photos by István Sahin-Tóth, Ádám Kovács-Jerney.

Written by Imre Vida-Szűcs

Photos by István Sahin-Tóth & Ádám Kovács-Jerney

On the cover photo: Katalin Karikó arrives with President Tamás Sulyok and his wife Zsuzsanna Nagy

SZTE Experience


Ferdous Rahman – Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

My name is Ferdous Rahman and I am from Bangladesh. I am pursuing doctoral studies at the Department of Private International Law at the Faculty of Law and Political Science under the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme. Currently I am in the first year of my four-year PhD programme. I came to know about SZTE while exploring for the Stipendium Hungaricum programme. Among the other available options, this was my first choice. Apart from its excellent ranking, I got my supervisor with similar research interest. The increasing number of international students gave me a comfort of having a cosmopolitan environment. After starting my studies here in September 2019, I am convinced that I could not expect more. For prospective students, I would advise that SZTE can be their next home as I got mine. Everyone here including the professors, the administrators, and the students are very friendly and helpful. They make studies a joyous journey instead of pile of classes and books. After my graduation, I will return to my home country. The knowledge and the experience that I have been receiving here will be a great resource for my academic career. I intend to continue my research further and expect to contribute to policy formulation at national and international level."


Ahmad Adha - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

I am Ahmad Adha from Indonesia and currently a 3rd year student in Theoretical Linguistics PhD program. I chose the University of Szeged (SZTE) as my study destination because it is located in the center of the town and it is also the highest ranked university in Hungary. The university staff and the professors were very accommodating and understanding when I decided to change the program that suits my research topic. I am so glad that I can be a part of my current department, and of course SZTE, since it is also the Center of Pragmatic Research which aims to promote advanced linguistic pragmatic research with international collaborations. After graduating, I wish to continue to work in my academic field as a professor and a researcher. My advice for prospective SZTE students is to choose a university with a good academic reputation that fits their passion.

