2024. July 3., Wednesday


Homecoming of a Nobel Laureate: Katalin Karikó's Two-Day Visit to the University of Szeged

Katalin Karikó visited Szeged on April 16-17, 2024, for the first time after the 2023 Nobel ceremony held in Stockholm. The two-day visit included several programs – a celebratory senate meeting, an award ceremony, and a visit to the Botanical Garden, among others. During her visit, the alumna and research professor of the University of Szeged generously donated an authentic replica of her Nobel medal as well as the prize money that comes with the Nobel Prize to her alma mater.

Celebratory senate meeting honoring SZTE's second Nobel laureate

On the morning of April 16, Professor Karikó was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Gábor Szabó, President of the Foundation for the University of Szeged, Prof. Dr. László Rovó, Rector of SZTE, Dr. Judit Fendler, Chancellor of SZTE, Dr. László Salgó, Government Commissioner of Csongrád-Csanád County, and Dr. László Botka, Mayor of Szeged at the entrance of the SZTE József Attila Education and Information Center (TIK).


In the Congress Hall of TIK, the Szeged University Choir greeted the guest of honor – just like Albert Szent-Györgyi in 1938 and 1973. Apart from university, municipal, and county leaders, leaders of economic, civic, professional, social, and political organizations, representatives of scientific and cultural institutions, and leaders of educational and healthcare institutions also attended the event. Katalin Karikó's guests, including her sister Zsuzsanna, representatives of her alma mater in Kisújszállás, her former university classmates, and colleagues from her first workplace, the Szeged Biological Research Center were also present.


In his welcoming speech, Rector László Rovó highlighted that the name of the University of Szeged was mentioned for the second time at the Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm, which shows that the university is on the right track. He emphasized that Katalin Karikó's work not only highlights the importance of obtaining a high-level education but also stresses the significance of research, including basic research.

László Botka, the mayor of Szeged, greeted Katalin Karikó as the savior of the world and then declared that she is not only a role model for candidate scientists, but her perseverance can be an example for all of us.

Katalin Karikó gave an insight into her experiences during Nobel Week in Stockholm in a presentation spiced with humor and illustrated with photos. She talked about the royal suite of the Grand Hotel, where she and her husband were accommodated, shared details about the many receptions they attended, and also showed a photo of the room where the decision to award the Nobel Prize was made, and, among others, showed photos of the ceremony.


Donating the Nobel Prize to the University of Szeged

During her presentation, Katalin Karikó showed the authentic replica of the Nobel medal to the audience and announced that she would donate it to her alma mater for a permanent exhibition and that she would establish the "JATE Award" from the prize money of her Nobel Prize.


"I have already transferred half a million dollars to the university, which will be used to reward excellent educators and students" – she added.

The "JATE-Award", established by Katalin Karikó, recognizes the excellence of the former József Attila University (JATE) – today's SZTE. From now on this award can be won each year by a lecturer-researcher and university student who achieves the most outstanding results and will come with a USD 10.000 cash prize.

"As one of the strongholds of science in Hungary, we are proud of Katalin Karikó. We are particularly pleased that during her stay in Szeged, Professor Karikó will take the time to meet with our researchers or to present the prizes of our student competitions to our most creative university students" – Dr. Judit Fendler, Chancellor of the University of Szeged said during her speech.

At the end of the ceremony at the Congress Hall, Rector László Rovó handed over a gift from SZTE, a white laboratory coat embroidered with Katalin Karikó's name and decorated with the university's logo, to complement the Nobel laureate's university study room – the same room that belonged to Albert Szent-Györgyi.


The celebration continued on the ground floor of TIK, where Professor Karikó, together with the leaders of the University of Szeged, opened the exhibition presenting her life journey and placed the precious metal replica of her Nobel Prize medal into a glass display box.

Detailed information available here in our article: The awards are meant to draw attention to science. - Said Katalin Karikó at the celebration of the University of Szeged


The permanent exhibition features some of the most interesting documents and objects that have defined the researcher's career since her childhood and school years, as well as several foreign awards she received, artifacts, and press photos.

Professor Karikó's visit to the József Attila Education and Information Center ended with a collective interview where Hungary's first woman Nobel laureate answered questions from the press.

Detailed information available here in our article: Katalin Karikó's Nobel Prize on display in one of the central halls of the University of Szeged


Detailed information available here in our article: Katalin Karikó's Message: Embrace Ideas and Overcome Regrets by Taking Action.

Student idea competition and evening banquet


In the afternoon, Katalin Karikó held professional discussions with young scientists and professors in her university study room – the one that belonged to Albert Szent-Györgyi – at Dóm Square, before handing out the awards of the student ideas competition and creative contest that were part of the "Nobel Weeks at the University of Szeged" awareness campaign.


The evening concluded with a banquet honoring SZTE's second Nobel laureate. The main patron of the event, Tamás Sulyok, president of Hungary, attended the banquet too. In his speech, the country's president praised Katalin Karikó's human excellence and patriotism.

"At the same time, today I would not praise the scientist Katalin Karikó, but the person. Because to accomplish great deeds, to make great discoveries is truly a glorious thing. But to remain a true person despite the success, to be able to look back to where we came from and to those we belong to, even when reaching the top of the world, is what is truly great, wonderful, and impressive. Only an exceptional person, a noble soul is capable of this," said the head of state.

Professor Karikó said "I always feel that all the results I have achieved belong to everyone who taught me to read and write or the various subjects at the university. That's why I already transferred the amount of the Nobel Prize, and that's why I brought the medal to share it with everyone who was a part of it, including those who are no longer with us. And to inspire the future generation. The Nobel laureate emphasized that at the same time, it is not really the award that is important, but the setting and realization of newer and newer goals.

After the welcoming speeches and folk dance demonstrations, the evening ended with dinner and a special gift from the University of Szeged, a concert by one of Katalin Karikó's favorite performers, Zorán.

Detailed information available here in our article: The President of Hungary at the gala dinner of SZTE: Katalin Karikó remained true to herself along her success

Visit to the SZTE Botanical Garden

On the afternoon of April 17, Professor Karikó visited the Botanical Garden of the University of Szeged, where she participated in a special botany class held for second-year undergraduate biology students of the SZTE Faculty of Science and Informatics. During the class held at the greenhouse, the students performed sectioning with different microscopes, while Karikó Katalin talked about her student years and her love for botany.


After the class, the professor visited the Trail of Women Scientists, an initiative of the Botanical Garden and the Partiscum Women's Club. The Trail of Women Scientists, leading to the historical rose collection, will commemorate the famous female scientists of the University of Szeged. Each scientist will be represented by a botanically inspired ceramic sculpture of artist Anita Eszter Szűcs, the lead designer of Pataki Tiles. Katalin Karikó viewed the plans of the ceramic sculptures and chose the corn symbol for herself. Apart from her, biochemist Ilona Banga, botanist Vera Csapody, pharmacist Aranka Gábor, painter and graphic artist Márta Kopasz, historian Mária Ormos, and doctor and biochemist Mária Wollemann are among the first to receive a memorial at the Trail of Women Scientists.

Anikó Németh, the director of the SZTE Botanical Garden, greeted the participants – students, members of the Partiscum Club, representatives of SZTE, and the press – at the rosary displaying 300 varieties of roses. The University of Szeged was represented at the event by Prof. Dr. Márta Széll, Vice-Rector for Strategy, Prof. Dr. Klára Gellén, Vice-Rector for Education, and Prof. Dr. Ildikó Csóka, Director-General of Strategy. Foreign researchers and students attending the Erasmus Week at the SZTE Faculty of Agriculture were also invited to meet with Professor Karikó.

At the end of the event, Katalin Karikó expressed that she hopes that the Trail of Women Scientists will be very long and that she trusts that some of the students present will become members of the open-air exhibition.

SZTE Experience


Tamerlan Mendybayev – Faculty of Agriculture

My name is Tamerlan Mendybayev. I am from capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan. Currently I am first year student at the Faculty of Agriculture. I chose the University of Szeged as my study destination for several reasons: firstly, it is a well-known applied science institution in Europe and the best in Hungary. Secondly, the program is designed with a significant focus on the developing practical skills of the students and there is a University pilot farm where students keen their skills and implement their knowledge in practice. Undoubtedly, University of Szeged is a place where students become professionals in their academic field.


Ahmad Adha - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

I am Ahmad Adha from Indonesia and currently a 3rd year student in Theoretical Linguistics PhD program. I chose the University of Szeged (SZTE) as my study destination because it is located in the center of the town and it is also the highest ranked university in Hungary. The university staff and the professors were very accommodating and understanding when I decided to change the program that suits my research topic. I am so glad that I can be a part of my current department, and of course SZTE, since it is also the Center of Pragmatic Research which aims to promote advanced linguistic pragmatic research with international collaborations. After graduating, I wish to continue to work in my academic field as a professor and a researcher. My advice for prospective SZTE students is to choose a university with a good academic reputation that fits their passion.

