2024. July 27., Saturday


SZTE’s QS-EECA ranking is 15th, highest of Hungarian Universities

QS University rankings EECA 2016 (the higher educational institutions of Emerging Europe and Central Asia) lists the University of Szeged as the 15th best university. According to the ranking, SZTE is one of the top 10% universities of the region and that the University of Szeged is also the best out of the four Hungarian universities listed among the top 30.

The London based Quacquarelly Symonds (QS) has recently published the newest ranking list of higher educational institutions. In the list of Emerging Europe and Central Asia more than 300 institutions of 30 countries were evaluated, but only the top 200 were ranked.


The assessment is based on 9 factors: such as academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty-student ratio, the faculty with PhD ratio, the citation per paper, papers per faculty, the number of students & international students, the number of academic faculty and staff and the online visibility of the institution.


There are 4 Hungarian universities among the top 30 institutions, out of which SZTE is obtained the highest ranking in Hungary – came in 15th in overall ranking. Compared to last years’ results the university was found better in certain factors: graduates of the university have better reputation among their employers, and the citation per paper ratio has increased too.


The QS World University Rankings 2015/2016, published by the British company in the fall of 2015, lists the University of Szeged among the top 501-550 best universities, and ranked SZTE as the best Hungarian University.


16. June, 2016

Directorate for Public Relations & Directorate for International Affairs

SZTE Experience

95930002_620793281842686_908476219798847488_oDianne - Faculty of Science and Informatics

I am a PhD student and a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holder from the Philippines. I am currently pursuing my PhD in Environmental Science and I happen to be in my 3rd year of studies. I chose University of Szeged because its one of the top ranked research university in Hungary known for its good reputation in the fields of health and natural sciences. Coming from the Philippines with a warm climate, I had huge preference of Szeged for my studies, the city having the most rays of sunshine and considered to be the warmest place in Hungary. I would advise all the prospective students to join University of Szeged’s diverse and vibrant community! Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone, try to find and establish your niche in a new place like what I did. I didn’t regret coming to Szeged as it continuously provides me an enabling learning environment for various reasons, has affordable cost of living, very safe and calm university town, organized transport system, beautiful and clean surroundings with the very sightly Tisza River which adds to its appeal, and also holds many festivals throughout the year. After graduation, I am planning to go back to my home institution and continue my teaching duties at the University of the Philippines Los Baños


Tamerlan Mendybayev – Faculty of Agriculture

My name is Tamerlan Mendybayev. I am from capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan. Currently I am first year student at the Faculty of Agriculture. I chose the University of Szeged as my study destination for several reasons: firstly, it is a well-known applied science institution in Europe and the best in Hungary. Secondly, the program is designed with a significant focus on the developing practical skills of the students and there is a University pilot farm where students keen their skills and implement their knowledge in practice. Undoubtedly, University of Szeged is a place where students become professionals in their academic field.
