

History (PhD)

History (PhD)

2016. March 08.
2 perc

In English, in German, in French and in Turkish


About the programme

The Doctoral School is built on four different programmes: Ancient History, Medieval Studies, Modern History, and Comparative and Contemporary History. The programmes focus on the history of the Roman Empire and ancient India, the history of Hungary in the pre-medieval era and the Middle Ages, the history and archaeology of the Eurasian Steppe, early-modern Hungarian history, Habsburg and Ottoman relations, the history of the Mediterranean world, and contemporary social and political history. Research areas cover cultural studies, paleography of scripts in several languages, history of popular culture, history of ideas, history of political thought, and historiography. Many of our graduates have attained fellowships at various universities, research centres and in departments of different universities; others hold highly valued positions in government offices and public education.

Language of the program: English, German, French, Turkish

Level of the programme: PhD

Duration of the programme: 4+4 semesters

Registered in: EU

Credits: 240

Who should apply?

We expect applicants to be interested in the modern approaches of the research of history. We recommend our programmes to students who have proficiency in classical and modern languages and have thorough knowledge in intercultural relations.

Application requirements: MA degree, a demonstrated proficiency in English or German, French, Turkish (B2 at least upper intermediate or equivalent), a letter of motivation, research plan, and/or other languages as required by the specific subprogramme and an individual interview online.

Please choose a topic proposal and contact the doctoral school and the supervisor before submitting your application.

Online application

Start of the programme: September of each year

Tuition fee: 3500 EUR per semester

Application fee: 79 EUR

Entrance Exam fee: 250 EUR

For further information please contact Dr. Péter Vukman via e-mail at: or call +36-62-544-464 regarding the application process or details of the programme.
