2024. July 16., Tuesday


Frequently Asked Questions For Prospective Students

COVID-19 - FAQ for Prospective Students


1. Is the University of Szeged still accepting international applications for 2021?

Application for the 2021/22 fall semester was open at the University of Szeged for international students and face to face education will resume in September.


2. Will the new 2021-22 academic year still start in September?

Education at the University of Szeged will definitely start in September. The University of Szeged is planning on face to face education for the upcoming 2021 fall semester. More than half of the Hungarian population is vaccinated and we have defeated the third wave of COVID-19. Taking these into consideration, our institution is planning on face to face education for the upcoming 2021-22 fall semester. Our institution always follows the current rules and regulations which solely aim at and assure the safety and well-being of the population.


3. Do you anticipate any travel restrictions for students coming to Hungary?

It's difficult to predict when the pandemic will end or when the current travel and border restrictions may be resolved. The Hungarian Government is constantly monitoring the worldwide and EU situation and will take the necessary measures accordingly. Please check this page and the website of the Hungarian Government for the latest guidance.


4. I need to apply for a visa to come to Hungary but my nearest visa application centre is currently closed. What should I do?

Please check for updates on when visa offices (services) in your (or neighbouring) country are the expected to re-open.


5. What happens if I cannot arrive on time for the start of the semester due to COVID-19?

It is preferable that students arrive by the start of the semester so that they can proceed with their education and settle in their new environment. However, our institution will assist those students who are not able to arrive on time due to the pandemic and will provide online assistance and support for them.


6. Will the University of Szeged provide quarantine accommodations?

Quarantine accommodation is provided for those who are guaranteed accommodation in the dormitory. For those students who are staying in private accommodation, we can assist them in finding an accommodation where they will spend their quarantine period if necessary.


7. Will there be someone to assist me while I am in quarantine?

Assistance will be provided for those students who are in mandatory quarantine and need help in managing matters.


8. Do I need a negative PCR test to enter Hungary?

Students are not required to show a negative PCR test upon entry to Hungary. However, those students who do not have a vaccination protection certificate accepted by the Hungarian authorities or those students who are not coming from a country specified in the legislation will be subject to quarantine.

9. Where are the PCR testing points? Where can I do a PCR test?

There are several private testing centres in Szeged where PCR tests can be performed if necessary. You can find the contact details of these private clinics online.


10. Are International students requested to fill in a leniency application?

According to the current legislation and governmental rules, it must be submitted by persons who do not have a residence permit issued by the immigration office or those who do not come from a country specified in the legislation.


11. Do I need to be vaccinated to enter Hungary?

Being vaccinated against COVID-19 is not a condition for entry under current legislation.


12. What type of COVID-19 vaccines are accepted in Hungary?

The following vaccines are accepted in Hungary: Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Szputnyik-V, Moderna, Sinopharm, Jansen.


13. Does the insurance offered by the University cover COVID-19 related medical treatments?

Yes, the insurance covers COVID-19 related medical fees but up to a certain limit.


14. I need to apply for a visa to come to Hungary but my nearest visa application centre is currently closed. What should I do?

Please check for updates on when visa offices (services) in your (or neighbouring) country are the expected to re-open.


15. How can I find out more information on the current coronavirus situation?

We'll be providing regular updates on our website and we encourage you to review this periodically. If we anticipate the need to make any changes of a significant nature, applicants will also be informed as early as possible. The University of Szeged also has a dedicated coronavirus information page for students, which will be updated as new information is confirmed. We encourage you to check this site on a regular basis.

SZTE Experience


Tamerlan Mendybayev – Faculty of Agriculture

My name is Tamerlan Mendybayev. I am from capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan. Currently I am first year student at the Faculty of Agriculture. I chose the University of Szeged as my study destination for several reasons: firstly, it is a well-known applied science institution in Europe and the best in Hungary. Secondly, the program is designed with a significant focus on the developing practical skills of the students and there is a University pilot farm where students keen their skills and implement their knowledge in practice. Undoubtedly, University of Szeged is a place where students become professionals in their academic field.

93292160_608489396406408_4799535565693255680_oOlney Rodrigues - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

My name is Olney Rodrigues de Oliveira and I am from Brazil. I am currently pursuing my PhD studies in the Doctoral School of Education at SZTE. I chose the University of Szeged because it’s one of the best universities in Europe, especially in the field of education. I personally love Szeged because it is safe and I love the architecture, the cultural events, the local Market Mars Tér and so many other beautiful destinations. For my studies I wanted to have an excellent university in a good quality life city and Szeged offers me that. It’s neither too big nor too small, I can ride my bike to go to my classes and practically everything is within a walking distance. I would advise the prospective students to enjoy the city during their stay, the cultural and historical events, know other international students and make a lot of friends, visit other cities in Hungary and make good memories. I am pretty sure that you will be proud of this priceless experience. Before coming to Hungary I worked several years as a teacher. I love the academic environment, the libraries, relationship with students and the feeling to be involved in the acquisition of new knowledge. That is why I plan to be part of a University as a professor as well as to keep researching in different aspects of the process of education. I am so thankful to be here and I believe that the Universe brought me to Szeged because the city and the University are the experience that I need in my life now.
