2024. május 6., hétfő English version
E-Universitas  --  Szabadegyetem - Szeged  --  Korábbi szemeszterek  --  I. szemeszter  --  2008. április 2. szerda 18.00
Válogatott publikációk
1. Benedek, G., F. Obál,Jr., L. Szekeres and F. Obál, 1976, Cortical
synchronization induced by thermal stimulation of the preoptic area in
immobilized rats. Acta Physiol.Hung. 48:65-72.
2. Benedek, G., F. Obál,Jr., L. Szekeres and F. Obál, 1979, Two separate
synchronizing mechanisms in the basal forebrain: study of the synchronizing
effects of the rostral hypothalamus. Arch.Ital.Biol. 117:164-185.
3. Benedek, G., F. Obál,Jr., L. Szekeres and F. Obál, 1979, Evoked
potential study of the synchronizing and hypnogenic areas in the basal
forebrain. Waking and Sleeping 3:159-168.
4. Benedek, G., F. Obál,Jr., A. Jancsó-Gábor and F. Obál, 1980, Effects
of elevated ambient temperatures on the sleep-waking activity of rats with
impaired warm reception, Waking and Sleeping 4:87-94.
5. Obál, F., Jr., G. Benedek, G. Réti and F. Obál, 1980, Tonic hypnogenic
effect of the olfactory tubercle. Exp.Neurol. 69:202-208.
6. Bari, F., G. Rubicsek, G. Benedek, F. Obál,Jr. and F. Obál, 1981,
Analysis of ultradian sleep rhytms in rats using stage transition functions.
Electroenceph.Clin.Neurophysiol. 52:382-385.
7. Benedek, G., F. Obál,Jr., G. Rubicsek and F. Obál, 1981, Sleep
elicited by olfactory tubercle stimulation and the effect of atropine.
Behav.Brain Res. 2:23-32.
8. Mucke, L., M. Norita, G. Benedek and O. Creutzfeldt, 1982, Physiologic
and anatomic investigation of a visual cortical area situated in the ventral
bank of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus of the cat. Exp.Brain Res. 46:1-11.
9. Benedek, G., L. Mucke, M. Norita, B. Albowitz and O. Creutzfeldt,
1988, Anterior ectosylvian visual area (AEV) of the cat: physiological
properties. Progr.Brain Res. 75:245-255.
10. Benedek, G. and T.P. Hicks, 1988, The visual insular of the cat:
organization, properties and modality specificity. Progr.Brain Res.
11. Hicks, T.P., G. Benedek and G.A. Thurlow, 1988, Organization and
properties of neurons in a visual area within the insular cortex of the cat.
J. Neurophysiol. 60:397-421
12. Lelkes, Z., Obál, F., Jr., Alföldi, P., Erdős, A., Rubicsek, G.,
Benedek, G., 1994, Effects of acute and chronic treatment with trazodone, an
antidepressant, on the sleep-wake activity in rats. Pharmacol. Res.
13. Katoh, Y.Y. and G. Benedek, 1995, Organization of the
colliculo-suprageniculate pathway in the cat: a wheat germ
agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase study. J.Comp.Neurol. 352:381-397.
14. Kadunce, D.C., J.W. Vaughan, M.T. Wallace, G. Benedek and B. E.
Stein, 1997, Mechanisms of within- and cross-modality suppression in the
superior colliculus. J.Neurophysiol. 78:2834-2847.
15. Kovács, I., P. Kozma, Á. Fehér, and Gy. Benedek, 1999, Late
maturation of visual spatial integration in humans. PNAS 96: 12204-12209