2024. July 27., Saturday


Updated on the 12th March 2020: Measures Imposed with Immediate Effect at the University of Szeged

An educational break has been ordered for the 12th and 13th March and the Spring Break period of the University will be between the 14th of March 2020 (Saturday) and 22nd of March 2020 (Sunday). The University of Szeged will switch to distance education until withdrawal. All university students of Hungarian citizenship is required to move out of university dormitories and return home by the 13th of March.

The government has ordered a state of emergency in connection with protective measures against the new coronavirus, Gergely Gulyás, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, said on Wednesday. With regard to the national emergency state declared by the Hungarian Government on the 11th March 2020, the University of Szeged introduced measures with immediate effect on the same day.

To prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection – with regard to the education breaks ordered by the Rector’s resolutions and based on the guidelines of the maintainer of the University, an educational break has been ordered for the 12th and 13th March. Students are not allowed to visit the buildings of the University of Szeged from the 12th of March 2020. Accordingly, all forms of student administration shall be conducted on electronic platforms, such as Neptun, Coospace and Modulo.


Instead of the previously accepted duration of the Spring Break period from Friday, 10th of April 2020 to Friday, 17th of April 2020, the Spring Break period of the University is between the 14th of March 2020 (Saturday) and 22nd of March 2020 (Sunday). The University of Szeged, along with other Hungarian higher education institutions, will switch to distance education until withdrawal. Students are not allowed to visit the University of Szeged during the period of distance education either.

Employees of the University of Szeged continue to fulfil their tasks during the educational breaks and the period of distance education until further notice.

All university students of Hungarian citizenship are required to move out of university dormitories until the 13th March and return home. For students of foreign citizenship, the University of Szeged will continue to provide accommodation in university dormitories.

For their personal safety and for the smooth return to Hungary, students are advised to refrain from travelling abroad for private purposes if possible. The University will not be able to guarantee the conditions for returning to Hungary, thus staying abroad may have an impact on the fulfilment of students’ study obligations.

Latest resolutions and circulars:

Resolution for rectorial break

Modification of the spring break by the Rector

5/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

6/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

7/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

Useful links in English:

1/2020 (II.26.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding measures in connection with the spread of the coronavirus infection

Exemption from work duty

2/2020 (II.26.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding the students of the University of Szeged concerning measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection

3/2020 (III.05.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding the obligatory compliance with the measures imposed by the Coronavirus Operative Committee

1/2020 (III.06.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

2/2020 (III.09.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

3/2020 (III.09.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

4/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

5/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

6/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

7/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

Useful links in German:

Rundschreiben 1/2020. (Nr. II.26.) des Rektors und der Kanzlerin über die Maßnahmen bezüglich der Ausbreitung der Coronavirus-Infektion

Rundschreiben Nr. 2/2020 des Rektors und der Kanzlerin für Studierende der Universität Szeged über die vorbeugenden Maßnahmen, um die Ausbreitung der Coronavirus-Infektion zu verhindern

Rundschreiben Nr. 3/2020 (III.05.) des Rektors und der Kanzlerin über die Einhaltung der Maßnahmen des Operativen Coronavirus-Ausschusses

Rundschreiben Nr. 1/2020 (III.06) des Operativen Coronavirus-Ausschusses

Rundschreiben Nr. 2/2020 (III.09) des Operativen Coronavirus-Ausschusses

Rundschreiben Nr. 3/2020 (III.09.) des Operativen Coronavirus-Ausschusses

SZTE Experience


Nikki - Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies

My name is Nikki and I am from Iran. Currently I am a second year student studying Physiotherapy at the University of Szeged. I really like the Environment of Szeged as it is a true University City where you can meet people from around the world. I consider Szeged as my second home since I have established my own path here and I have a lot of friends who make me feel home. The reason why I came to Szeged is because I was informed by one of my friends about the fact that the University degrees are EU accredited and will help me to reach my goals and open doors for future job opportunities. Once I have obtained my degree, I would like to stay in Hungary and pursue a post graduate program. Later on I will seize the opportunity to gain some job experience in my field here in Hungary before I hold my ground in Europe.

95930002_620793281842686_908476219798847488_oDianne - Faculty of Science and Informatics

I am a PhD student and a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holder from the Philippines. I am currently pursuing my PhD in Environmental Science and I happen to be in my 3rd year of studies. I chose University of Szeged because its one of the top ranked research university in Hungary known for its good reputation in the fields of health and natural sciences. Coming from the Philippines with a warm climate, I had huge preference of Szeged for my studies, the city having the most rays of sunshine and considered to be the warmest place in Hungary. I would advise all the prospective students to join University of Szeged’s diverse and vibrant community! Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone, try to find and establish your niche in a new place like what I did. I didn’t regret coming to Szeged as it continuously provides me an enabling learning environment for various reasons, has affordable cost of living, very safe and calm university town, organized transport system, beautiful and clean surroundings with the very sightly Tisza River which adds to its appeal, and also holds many festivals throughout the year. After graduation, I am planning to go back to my home institution and continue my teaching duties at the University of the Philippines Los Baños
