2025. January 15., Wednesday


Update: 20th March 2020 – SZTE Epidemic Hospital Has Been Opened

In accordance with the resolutions of the Ministry of Human Capacities of Hungary, an epidemic hospital and center has been established in the Western park of Albert Szent-Györgyi Healthcare Centre of the University of Szeged, widely known as Hospital no. II (II-es kórház), at 57 Kálvária sgt., Szeged.

With reference to the pace of the coronavirus outbreak in the region, the of Albert Szent-Györgyi Healthcare Centre of the University of Szeged is prepared for the arrival of possible infected, as well as in-patient and intensive unit care related to the disease.



The Western park of the hospital complex , at 57 Kálvária sgt. is ideal to be used as an epidemic hospital since separation from other patients being treated by other hospital units of the Healthcare Centre is fully ensured. The spread of the disease is impossible as separated patient corridors have been established. CT scans, tools for intensive care and technical facilities were originally at disposal at the hospital.


A substantial restructuring of the current healthcare system was necessary to establish the epidemic hospital. A so-called secondary Emergency Department specialized in suspected infections has been developed in the room of former department of communicable diseases. Seven beds at the intensive care unit with medical ventilators are at disposal. In addition, for capacity extension reasons, surgery units have been converted into intensive care units, with 27 beds and ventilators. Two operating rooms are reserved for the treatment of patients contracted with coronavirus. In the case of a development in the epidemic situation, the capacities of the hospital can be substantially expanded.



The clinical units currently operating in the building at Kálvária sgt.: the Department of Urology, the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, and the Department of Oral, Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery have temporarily been moved out of the building, and the Psychiatric Clinic is in the process of being relocated. Details of the move can be found on the clinics' websites: www.klinikaikozpont.u-szeged.hu webpage.


Protective equipment for the protection of health workers - FFP2 and FFP3 masks, face shields, protective goggles and protective suite - in sufficient quantities are available in times of need. Health professionals at the Albert Szent-Györgyi Health Center estimated how many would volunteer in the newly established epidemiological care center - in line with the ratio of the coronavirus spreading. The positive feedback received from the health care professionals is testament to the high levels of professionalism in our state.


Resolutions and useful links:

Useful links and other resolutions:

Resolution for rectorial break

Modification of the spring break by the Rector

1/2020 (II.26.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding measures in connection with the spread of the coronavirus infection

Exemption from work duty

2/2020 (II.26.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding the students of the University of Szeged concerning measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection

3/2020 (III.05.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding the obligatory compliance with the measures imposed by the Coronavirus Operative Committee

1/2020 (III.06.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

2/2020 (III.09.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

3/2020 (III.09.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

4/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

5/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

6/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

7/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

8/2020 (III.12.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

9/2020. (III.15.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

10/2020. (III.16.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

Spreadsheet attached to the 10/2020. (III.16.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

11/2020 (III.17.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee


General procedure on coronavirus issued by the National Public Health Service of Hungary here.

Informative video on coronavirus of WHO here.

WHO advices on hand washing here.


Previously in this topic:

Further Measures Have Been Introduced Concerning the Coronavirus at the University of Szeged

UPDATE 10th March 2020: Most Important Measures Concerning the Coronavirus Disease

UPDATED 11th March 2020: Educational break at the University of Szeged

Updated on the 12th March 2020: Measures Imposed with Immediate Effect at the University of Szeged

Updated: 12th March 2020 – Measures Applying to Events at the University of Szeged

Updated: 13th March 2020 - Information on Areas Affected with COVID-19 virus

Update 15th March 2020 - Postponement of Patient Care Not Requiring Immediate Medical Care

Updated: 16th March 2020 – Online education at the University of Szeged

Update: 17th March 2020 – New Measures on Employment

Update: 17th March 2020 – Special Measures on Students

Update: 18th March, 2020 - Bilingual chatbot extends student information at SZTE

SZTE Experience


Ferdous Rahman – Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

My name is Ferdous Rahman and I am from Bangladesh. I am pursuing doctoral studies at the Department of Private International Law at the Faculty of Law and Political Science under the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme. Currently I am in the first year of my four-year PhD programme. I came to know about SZTE while exploring for the Stipendium Hungaricum programme. Among the other available options, this was my first choice. Apart from its excellent ranking, I got my supervisor with similar research interest. The increasing number of international students gave me a comfort of having a cosmopolitan environment. After starting my studies here in September 2019, I am convinced that I could not expect more. For prospective students, I would advise that SZTE can be their next home as I got mine. Everyone here including the professors, the administrators, and the students are very friendly and helpful. They make studies a joyous journey instead of pile of classes and books. After my graduation, I will return to my home country. The knowledge and the experience that I have been receiving here will be a great resource for my academic career. I intend to continue my research further and expect to contribute to policy formulation at national and international level."


Hamza Baniata – Faculty of Science and Informatics

I am Hamza Baniata, a first-year student at the Doctoral School of Computer Science, and I am From Jordan. SZTE is continuously supporting research and it has an internationally recognized, highly ranked group of professors. It also offers courses and research topics that are strongly related to my research field; Cloud Computing, Fog Computing and Internet of Things. All of this motivated me to apply to the University/Department of Software Engineering. Szeged is a calm city, full of love and peace. The University of Szeged is similar to the city, which provides the perfect environment for creation and development. Studying at the university requires a high level of effort, commitment and seriousness. Applying to the university and having these characteristics are my two pieces of advice to prospective students. It is very early to define my future now, but I am planning to apply to a research position in my field after graduation and if I had the opportunity, I would love to contribute my effort and knowledge in advancing such a wonderful and respected university.
