2024. July 16., Tuesday


13+2 Misconceptions About Coronavirus

Several misconceptions regarding the coronavirus outbreak have come to light and ‘simple methods’ to prevent disease are widely known. Here are 15 of them published by World Health Organization (WHO).

Lack of information and accepting scientific hoaxes without any preconceptions might contribute to the spread of misconceptions. The publication of WHO collected these misconceptions representing danger to the public to invalidate the conclusion.


1. Cold weather and snow will NOT bring an end to coronavirus.

2. Hot bath will NOT prevent coronavirus.

3. Coronavirus can NOT be transmitted through mosquito bite.

4. Hand dryers will NOT eliminate the virus.

5. Do NOT use UV lamps to sanitize hands and other dermal surfaces.

6. Thermal scans can ONLY detect patients diagnosed with coronavirus showing febrile symptoms.

7. Spraying the whole body with alcohol and chlorine is NOT a good method to prevent the infection.

8. Preventive flu and pneumonia vaccinations will NOT protect you from getting infected with coronavirus.

9. Using saline water to rinse your sinuses will NOT prevent coronavirus.

10. Consuming garlic will NOT kill the virus.

11. Coronavirus can infect people in ANY age, but the elderly and those with chronic diseases are more at risk from a serious coronavirus infection.

12. Coronavirus can NOT be cured with antibiotics.

13. There is NO treatment so far to prevent or treat coronavirus.

13+1.: It is NOT true that drinking water every 15 minutes and gargling with saline water will prevent the infection.

13+2.: It is NOT true that ‘infection can be detected by breath retention’.


However, IT IS TRUE that washing your hands on a regular basis is one of the most effective preventions of getting infected. Washing hands will remove incidental virus contamination, thus reducing the risk of the infection by touching the eyes, mouth or nose.

SZTE Experience


Nikki - Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies

My name is Nikki and I am from Iran. Currently I am a second year student studying Physiotherapy at the University of Szeged. I really like the Environment of Szeged as it is a true University City where you can meet people from around the world. I consider Szeged as my second home since I have established my own path here and I have a lot of friends who make me feel home. The reason why I came to Szeged is because I was informed by one of my friends about the fact that the University degrees are EU accredited and will help me to reach my goals and open doors for future job opportunities. Once I have obtained my degree, I would like to stay in Hungary and pursue a post graduate program. Later on I will seize the opportunity to gain some job experience in my field here in Hungary before I hold my ground in Europe.


Ahmad Adha - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

I am Ahmad Adha from Indonesia and currently a 3rd year student in Theoretical Linguistics PhD program. I chose the University of Szeged (SZTE) as my study destination because it is located in the center of the town and it is also the highest ranked university in Hungary. The university staff and the professors were very accommodating and understanding when I decided to change the program that suits my research topic. I am so glad that I can be a part of my current department, and of course SZTE, since it is also the Center of Pragmatic Research which aims to promote advanced linguistic pragmatic research with international collaborations. After graduating, I wish to continue to work in my academic field as a professor and a researcher. My advice for prospective SZTE students is to choose a university with a good academic reputation that fits their passion.

