Service name: Dosimetry services for 25 ring dosimeters that measures X-rays, gamma rays and beta radiation and 3 sterile containers
Required service:
For detailed specifiation please download the attached specification file (please scroll down for the file)
Bidders may submit their offer by uploading the pdf file or files on this website (please click on „Upload Proposal” in the top right corner).
Offers are to be submitted by uploading your offer in PDF file (please click on „Upload Proposal” in the top right corner). Offers sent by email will not accepted! Offers that are not submitted on the proposal’s website will not be accepted. Offers must fully match the criteria listed in the specification or may be a better substitute. Offers for services with less specification and quantities will be considered invalid.
Offer language: either English or Hungarian.
Accepted currencies: HUF, EUR, USD, GBP, SEK, CHF, NOK, DKK, CAD, AUD, JPY, CZK.
Should you have any questions about the service and/or the technical specification, please contact Dr Terez Emese Sera, , +3630 4750289
In case you need information from the contact person above, please send a copy of your mail to our purchasing department to Aniko Farkas, .
>>>>Csak magyarországi ajánlattevő cégek és HUF-ban beadott ajánlatok esetében/The following clause is only to Suppliers who are registered in Hungary and the Suppliers issuing offers in HUF: the Bidder may not submit to the Contracting Authority any reimbursement of costs in addition to the bid price, the bid price is fixed and must include all taxes, duties, transport to the site or other additional costs especially for the EUR/HUF and other currency exchange rate risk, in accordance with the Hungarian legislation in force.<<<<
Formal requirements of the offers. Please include these data in your proposal:
▪ Please refer to SZTE/2022/PSZ12789
▪ Name of the bidder company, address. Please note that the bidder company, the contracting company and the invoicing company must be the same. If you have more than one company/ subsidiaries please provide the name of the invoicing company. (In case the bidder company outsources the invoicing, please notify us before the tender deadline)
▪ The NET price for the full service + all the expenses (e.g. shipping to Szeged, Hungary; handling etc.) in one offer.
▪ The quotation should be preferably valid for 60 days, due to excessive evaluation period, but at least for 30 days.
▪ Quote validity day should be not earlier than the deadline of the procedure.
▪ Quote issue date should not be earlier than the starting date of the call for proposals.
Evaluation principle: the lowest net total price. The different currencies of the quotations will be translated into HUF, using the Hungarian National Bank exchange rate of the closing date of the online tender. Then these net HUF amounts will get compared and evaluated.
In the current purchasing procedure, contracts can only be concluded for a value less than 37300 EUR or 37100 USD (below the Hungarian public procurement threshold). During the evaluation process of the tenders, in case of exceeding this threshold, the contracting authority will take into account the provisions of the Hungarian Public Procurement Act on the determination of the estimated value and, if appropriate, decide to cancel the purchasing procedure.
Transparency Declaration
We hereby inform you that pursuant to Article 41 (6) of Act CXCV of 2011 on Public Finances, the University of Szeged shall only enter into contracts and perform payments upon its contracts, if the contracting party has provided the University with a Transparency Declaration. In case the Supplier had not provided transparency declaration to the University earlier, the declaration will be requested during the evaluation period.
Winner supplier: LANDAUER EUROPE
Winner price: 1 154 918 HUF + VAT
BTK ,Diplomaosztó ,Egyetemi Tavasz ,Egyetemi Élet ,Egyetemi élet ,Esemény ,Fókusz ,Innovízió ,Irodalom ,JGYPK ,Kulturális Iroda ,Kultúra ,Kutatók Éjszakája 2009 ,SZTE Kulturális Iroda ,SZTE Kultúrális Iroda ,Sport ,Szabadegyetem ,TIK ,TTIK ,ZMK ,