End User: University of Szeged, Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics
Delivery Address:Dom ter 9., H-6720 Szeged, Hungary.
Billing Address: University of Szeged, Dugonics tér 13. H-6720 Szeged, Hungary, VAT No: HU 15329815
Service name: Design, develop, and implement a liquid jet system (LJS) for generating neutrons via laser matter interaction
For detailed specification please download the attached specification (please scroll down for the file), that describes the necessary technical parameters.
Offers are to be submitted by uploading your offer in PDF file (please click on „Upload Proposal” in the top right corner).
Please include the specification in your offer, so that it can be clearly evaluated whether it matches all the specificied features.
Offers sent by email will not accepted! Offers that are not submitted on the proposal’s website will not be accepted.
Offers must fully match the criteria listed in the attached specification file, or may be a better substitute. Offers for services with less specification will be considered invalid.
Should you have any questions on the product and/or the technical specification, please contact Miklos Füle, PhD associate professor, +36-62 546-505 , mfule@mk.u-szeged.hu .
In case you need information from the contact person above, please send a copy of your mail to our purchasing department to Aniko Farkas, email farkasne.antal.aniko@gmf.u-szeged.hu .
evaluation criteria | weighted number | description |
the lowest price | 60 | |
II.1 Thickness: the thinnest continuous liquid sheet at least 10x10 um surface: Maximum 1000 nm, MfV: 600 nm | 15 | |
II.2 Best effort thickness: the thinnest continuous liquid sheet at least 10x10 um surface: Maximum 700 nm, MfV: 400 nm | 5 | |
II.3 Vacuum level during the normal operation of the LJS with the offered thickness at II.1: Maximum: 5×10E-5 mbar, MfV: 3×10E-5 mbar | 10 | |
II.5 Duration of the project (starting from contracting): Maximum: 18 months Mfv: 10 months* | 5 |
The quotations should include:
According to the common directive of Rector and Chancellor of the University of Szeged No. 2/2015. (16.04), binding agreement – in the value of over approx. net 4.700 EUR (depending on the exchange rate) - in case of this procedure can be contracted exclusively with the approval of the Chancellor. The publication of the results does not indicate commitment. Whereas, please be informed that in default of the approval of Chancellor, the Inviting Authority alter the result and declare the procedure unsuccessful.
We hereby inform you that pursuant to Article 41 (6) of Act CXCV of 2011 on Public Finances, the University of Szeged shall only enter into contracts and perform payments upon its contracts, if the contracting party has provided the University with a Transparency Declaration. In case the Supplier had not provide transparency declaration to the University earlier, the declaration will be requested during the evaluation period.
This Call for Proposal has been declared as unsuccessful.
14. Őszi Kulturális Fesztivál ,BTK ,Diplomaosztó ,Egyetemi Tavasz ,Egyetemi Élet ,Egyetemi élet ,Esemény ,Fókusz ,Irodalom ,JGYPK ,Kulturális Iroda ,Kultúra ,Kutatók Éjszakája 2009 ,SZTE Kulturális Iroda ,SZTE Kultúrális Iroda ,Sport ,Szabadegyetem ,TIK ,TTIK ,ZMK ,