2024. July 9., Tuesday


The history of the University



The University of Szeged traces its origins back to 1581 with the foundation of the Academia in Cluj (Kolozsvár). István Báthory, Prince of Transylvania, King of Poland (1571-1586), Grand Duke of Lithuania took measures to establish a Catholic university consisting of two faculties, Arts and Theology.


Magyar Királyi Ferenc József Tudományegyetem (Royal Hungarian Franz Joseph University) is established in Cluj and operates there until 1921 when it is relocated to Szeged.



The first academic year of the University is ceremoniously opened in Szeged by Rector Gáspár Menyhárt, and the construction of the university buildings starts a few years later.



University buildings around Dóm Square, in front of the Votive Church, are ready to open, and the first pond of the botanical garden is created.


Rektori hivatal1937

Albert Szent-Györgyi is awarded the Nobel Prize.



In the midst of WW2 and just after the second Treaty of Vienna, the Franz Joseph University is relocated to Cluj (Kolozsvár), and a new institution called Miklós Horthy University is established in its place in Szeged. Albert Szent-Györgyi is appointed Rector of the University.



The University is renamed after the city, its new name is University of Szeged.



The Medical Faculty is separated from the University of Szeged and begins to function as an independent university.



The University of Szeged adopts the name of the poet Attila József.



The Medical University of Szeged adopts the name of Albert Szent-Györgyi, its Nobel laureate rector.



A statement of intent to create the University of Szeged is signed by Attila József University, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College, Ferenc Liszt Musical College, the Food Industry Faculty of the University of Gardening and Food Industry (Szeged), the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Debrecen (Hódmezővásárhely) and, as associate members, by the College of Theology and the Szeged Biological Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.



With the unification of Attila József University, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College, the Food Industry College of Szeged and the Agricultural College of the University of Debrecen, the new University of Szeged (SZTE) is established.



The Szeged Conservatory begins to function as one of the current 12 Faculties of the University of Szeged.



The new building of the Study and Information Centre (Tanulmányi és Információs Központ – TIK) a large part of which is occupied by the unified University Library, is inaugurated. A year later, the Centre is named after the poet Attila József.




SZTE Experience


Nikki - Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies

My name is Nikki and I am from Iran. Currently I am a second year student studying Physiotherapy at the University of Szeged. I really like the Environment of Szeged as it is a true University City where you can meet people from around the world. I consider Szeged as my second home since I have established my own path here and I have a lot of friends who make me feel home. The reason why I came to Szeged is because I was informed by one of my friends about the fact that the University degrees are EU accredited and will help me to reach my goals and open doors for future job opportunities. Once I have obtained my degree, I would like to stay in Hungary and pursue a post graduate program. Later on I will seize the opportunity to gain some job experience in my field here in Hungary before I hold my ground in Europe.


Ahmad Adha - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

I am Ahmad Adha from Indonesia and currently a 3rd year student in Theoretical Linguistics PhD program. I chose the University of Szeged (SZTE) as my study destination because it is located in the center of the town and it is also the highest ranked university in Hungary. The university staff and the professors were very accommodating and understanding when I decided to change the program that suits my research topic. I am so glad that I can be a part of my current department, and of course SZTE, since it is also the Center of Pragmatic Research which aims to promote advanced linguistic pragmatic research with international collaborations. After graduating, I wish to continue to work in my academic field as a professor and a researcher. My advice for prospective SZTE students is to choose a university with a good academic reputation that fits their passion.

