
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School

Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School

2024. September 26.
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    Welcome to our Online Open Day!

    • What factors contribute to the onset of an illness? How does our immune system work?
    • What will be the role of artificial intelligence in medicine? What is CT and MRI?
    • Can we replace a body part with 3D printing technology?

    The Faculty of Medicine and its international programmes have the answers.

    About the Faculty

    The University of Szeged traces its origins back to the 16th century. One of the most outstanding characters in the history of the Faculty of Medicine is Albert Szent Györgyi, former Biochemistry professor, dean of the Faculty of Medicine, rector. Albert Szent-Györgyi was the first to isolate vitamin C, extracted from paprika. He was awarded with the Nobel Prize in 1937 for his physiological research which he conducted at the University of Szeged.
    Due to its educational, research, and patient care activity, the Faculty of Medicine is the largest of the university’s twelve faculties. Medical education is offered in three languages: Hungarian, English and German. The clinics at the Faculty serve as national and regional centres for a number of medical specialties, providing an appropriate practical resource for high-quality medical education. In recent years, our facilities have undergone significant infrastructural improvements, a state-of-the-art clinical building to house all fields of surgical care, as well as cardiology, neurology and haematology has been built. Besides the graduate programmes, we place great emphasis on post-graduate training. The Faculty runs 4 doctoral schools featuring 16 PhD programmes with nearly 150 Hungarian and international students. Students are afforded the opportunity to enter PhD programmes during the last year of their graduate studies.

    For more information please visit the website of the Faculty.

    Click on the photo for more pictures about the Faculty.


    Programmes for International Students

    German Language Programmes

    Career Opportunities

    Graduates of the Faculty can specialize in a great number of medical fields, depending on their interest—operative, diagnostic, research, teaching, or family medicine. The diploma students receive here is automatically acknowledged in any EU country. Its acceptance outside the EU is dependent on local regulations, in certain countries a licensing examination needs to be taken. Our program also provides the basis for postgraduate medical economist and medical management programs.

    International Relations

    International collaborations play a significant role in the life of the Faculty of Medicine both in education and research. Our international relations involve student mobility as well, which provide our students an outstanding opportunity for professional development, enhancing cultural awareness, as well as for the improvement of foreign language competences.


    • Erasmus+ Programme: This is the most significant exchange programme of our Medical School in terms of student, academic and administrative staff mobility. The most popular destinations for outgoing students are Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal. Currently, we have 57 active Erasmus agreements and we are constantly establishing new ones. For further information please visit this website.
    • EUGLOH: The European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) is a strategic partnership between the Paris-Saclay University (UPSaclay), Lund University (LU), the University of Szeged (USZ), the University of Porto (UPorto) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), the University of Alcalá (UAH), Tromsø University - The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), the University of Novi Sad (UNS) and Universität Hamburg (UHH) in the context of the European Commission’s European Universities Initiative. Within the EUGLOH alliance, a balanced interfaculty consortium of researchers and students are developing interdisciplinary activities, particularly in education and training, related to Global Health. Combining expertise and scientific infrastructure in fields such as biomedicine, life sciences and social sciences, our inter-campus initiative will tackle a variety of challenges related to well-being and public health. For further information please visit this website.
    • IFMSA Exchange Programme: The Medical Student Association of Szeged is in charge of the IFMSA professional and scientific exchange programme, in the framework of which each year 40-50 medical students from Szeged have the opportunity to spend their one-month medical electives abroad. The same number of incoming students are hosted at the Faculty. The countries covered by the current bilateral agreements are Spain, Portugal, Catalonia, Italy, Greece, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, France, Nepal, Japan, China, Armenia, Poland, Finland, the Netherlands, Ecuador, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Thailand, Slovakia and Slovakia. For further information please visit this website.
    • HMAA Buffalo Exchange Programme: (for students holding Hungarian citizenship). The HMAA (Hungarian Medical Association of America) offers 6th year medical students from Hungary the opportunity to spend a 3-month internship at the Dent Neurological Institute and Roswell Park Cancer Institute in the United States of America. For further information please visit this website.
    • HMAA Houston Exchange Programme: The exchange program will allow medical students from Szeged to spend their internships in the fields of Anesthesiology, Vascular
    • Surgery/Surgery and Neurology at the facilities of The Methodist Hospital - Texas Medical Center, Houston, Texas. For further information please visit this website.
    • Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California Exchange Program: Within the framework of the exchange programe medical students from Szeged can spend 2 months of their final year internships at the facilities of Keck School of Medicine. For further information please visit this website.

      Student Services of the Faculty

      International students have a wide range of activities to choose from during the semester, giving them a break from all that time spent at their desk. The International Student Union of Szeged (ISUS) is an organization created for students by students, with the support of the Faculty of Medicine. ISUS is dedicated to providing a rich, exciting cultural and academic experience for students studying Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy at the University of Szeged.

      Their programmes include sport events, the annual International Cultural Evening (ICE), cinema events, musical concerts, the annual Spring Barbecue, charity events and much more – it’s all there! Szeged and ISUS let you live your student life to the maximum, experience a variety of new people, and become a professional enriched with knowledge, experience and a universal attitude.
      See the Student Services of the University of Szeged here.

      Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED 2022-2023






      Ambulance car


      How to Apply

      Application Requirements in General

      The process of Application at the University of Szeged happens via an online application platform called DreamApply.
      Learn about the application process in general here and about the specific requirements of the programme here.


      The University offers a wide range of different scholarship programmes for international students to help cover tuition fees or living costs.

      For more information visit this website.

      Faces of SZTE


      Meet Zaid from the Faculty of Medicine

      “My name is Zaid Hammad, I am a second year Medicine student from Jordan. I am a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holder. I chose to apply for the University of Szeged because of its reputation and high ranking compared to other universities in Hungary and all around the world. I was also impressed by the history of the scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi who won a Nobel Prize. In the future, I plan to specialize in a specific field of Medicine. I believe that the reputation of the SZTE and its accredited diploma will assist me in finding the suitable country and university to study my specialization.”

      See other people’s experiences