
Information about Generali Studium health insurance, 2021/22/1

2021. September 06.
2 perc

The renewal of old Generali contracts has started and new students can also get health insurance for the semester of 2021/22/1.

The new insurance fee: 41.160 HUF/semester.

For new students:

For those students, who did not have valid Generali insurance in the spring semester, please make an appointment the Students’ Service Office to sign your contract and take your insurance card.


If you are not sure that the insurance fee is included in your tuition fee/scholarship, please contact your Faculty Administration Office (or the Foreign Student Secretariat, if you are a medical student).

For upper-year students:

For those students who did have valid Generali insurance in the fall, the insured period ends on September 30.

The insurance period will be automatically renewed if you are an active student and your financial status is clear.

If you are not sure about your financial status, please ask your Faculty Administration Office (Foreign Secretariat for medical students) if your tuition fee includes the fee of Generali health insurance. If you are a scholarship student, please check your scholarship documents to see if your Generali is covered by your scholarship.

If your student status and your financial status is not sorted by the end of September, you will be able to ask for the renewal between September 30 and October 15.


For information regarding the terms and conditions of the Generali Studium health insurance, please visit the following website:

For further information about the process of acquiring your Generali Studium health insurance, please contact the Students’ Service Office staff from 9 am to 3 pm on weekdays or at