Szegedi Tudományegyetem Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

2013  --  Beszerzési és Szolgáltatási Iroda (szolgáltatások)
Call for Proposal No. SZTE/2013/PSZ01949.

The Directorate of Finance and Engineering, University of Szeged (hereafter Inviting Authority) invites candidates to an open procedure for supplying the following products:

Sequencing service for the University of Szeged, Fac. Sci. Inform., Department of Microbiology in the frame of the project MARIVMICCOLL, HURO/1001/129/222 by 31.08.2013, in several particulars.

2013. február 21.

Offer No: SZTE/2013/PSZ01949.

Deadline for submission of offers: 05.03.2013 (3.00 pm)

Delivery time: final date of delivery: 15.08.2013


Subject of service to be procured (title of service contract to be signed):

DNA sequencing

Payment will be performed in EUR. Maximum budget for service: 2990,- EUR


Title and registration number of the project:

Investigation of priority hazardous substances in the Maros River: establishment of a microbial culture collection for bioaugmentation purposes



Terms of reference:

Approximately 750 sequencing, from which approx. 375-375 samples will be supplied on 96-well microtiter plates and 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes, respectively.  Sequencing of the PCR samples will be carried out by ABI BigDye technique with the primers supplied with the samples. Production of sequence reads of 500-1500 nucleotide length. DNA samples will be DNA fragments directly amplified from the DNA of various fungi and, in some cases, fragments will be cloned into plasmids

Supply of files of the chromatograms (.ab1 files), or service of the sample ID for Internet access.



Billing address:

Szegedi Tudományegyetem, TTIK Mikrobiológiai Tanszék, 6726 Szeged, Közép fasor 52., HUNGARY


Delivery address:

Szegedi Tudományegyetem

TTIK Mikrobiológiai Tanszék

6726 Szeged, Közép fasor 52.



Tenderer should give the following unit prices:

1.) sequencing of 1 DNA sample supplied on micro plate with 1 primer: ……. EUR/sample

2.) sequencing of 1 DNA sample supplied in 1.5 ml centrifuge tube with 1 primer: …… EUR/sample

Altogether: ……….EUR

Evaluation principles: the lowest price for providing the activities described in the Terms of reference. The Inviting Authority will evaluate the sum of the unit prices given by the tenderer. The planned number of the samples to be sequenced during the contracting period is 750. The Inviting Authority reserves the right to vary from the given amount of samples (approx. 750).


Requirements for tenderers:


  • Supply of files of the chromatograms (.ab1 files), or service of the sample ID for Internet access.
  • References on the compliance of 2 DNA sequencing services in 36 months prior to the tender deadline.


Method of the verification


  • Simple declaration that the tenderer is able to supply the chromatograms (.ab1 files), or the sample ID for Internet access.
  • Make a declaration including the customer’s name, representative and contact, the subject of the procurement, the date of performance, the price and the number of pieces on his sequence references in 36 months prior to the tender deadline. In the examined period the tenderer must have had 2 references connected to the performance of the DNA sequence service.


Payment terms: The currency of billing and payment is EUR; payment will be performed by bank transfer within 60 days from the date of the invoice’s delivery. Making out each of the invoices is possible on the basis of the proof of the performance issued by the professional co-ordinator of the project.

The winning tenderer has the right to make out an invoice on the basis of the proof of the performance issued by the professional co-ordinator of the project after each order according to the unit prices given in the offer/contract.

The number of the ordered/sequenced samples should be recorded in each proof of the performance.


Offers can be sumbitted: 1 original copy to be sent  by mail to the address of University of Szeged, Directorate of Finance and Engineering (Szentháromság u. 34., IIIrd floor, office No. 35., H-6722 Szeged, Hungary) or in e-mail to the following e-mail address: in PDF file

On the envelope and in the heading of the documentation please indicate the Offer Number.


For further information please turn to the following contact persons:


Kálmán Ifkovics Head of Department  e-mail:

Dr. Tamás Papp

 Tel: 06-62/544-823

  Fax: 06-62/544-516



The official language of the procedure is Hungarian, but offers can also be submitted in English language. The Inviting Authority expects offers from suppliers that can guarantee a prompt delivery and have a stable financial background. The Inviting Authority reserves the right to request further information from candidates within 5 working days in writing . Request for further information will be sent  to each candidate with a valid offer. Following the submission deadline, the Inviting Authority evaluates the offers and candidates are informed on the result with the least possible delay.


The Inviting Authority reserves the right to cancel the above offer procedure fully or  partially,  without any justification. The Inviting Authority is not liable for consequences resulted by the withdrawal.

This call for proposal is not to be considered as a contractual commitment undertaken by the Inviting Authority. The call and the full procedure are subject to the Inviting Authority’s internal regulations.