Szegedi Tudományegyetem Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

2014  --  Beszerzési és Szolgáltatási Iroda (szolgáltatások)
Call for Proposal No. SZTE/2014/PSZ03647
Deadline for submission of offers extended!

The Directorate of Finance and Engineering, University of Szeged (hereafter Inviting Authority) invites candidates to an open procedure for supplying the following service:

„Annual general maintainance, calibration and upgrade including selection mode capability of single mobility particée sizer (SMPS+C, Grimm Aerosol) for the Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics, University of Szeged.”
2014. június 25.
Offer No: SZTE/2014/PSZ03647

Deadline for submission of offers: July 7th, 2014 12:00

Estimated Date of delivery: 2 weeks after receipt of the system, and receipt of prepayment.

Short specification of service:

rAnnual General Maintenance and Calibration and upgrade including selection mode capability of SMPS+C (Grimm Aerosol) for the Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics, University of Szeged.


Annual General Maintenance, consisting of:

- complete chech and cleaning of all system components

- instrument upgrade including selection mode capability

- validation of the system (against reference system)

- calibration with new calibration certificate


If the previously calculated hours of reparation increase because of unexpected faults occuring during the reparation, and if during the reparation, building in parts is neccessary which are not included in the price offer, then the Contractor charges the price of occuring extra reparation hours and built-in parts following preliminary consultation and validation with the procurcer.

Both parties are compulsary to state an itemised list of prices of occurring extra work hours and of preliminarily not calculated parts to be built in in the certificate of accomplishment.

Evaluation principle: the lowest price

Please indicate the total price including all the expenses.

Offers are to be submitted by uploading your offer in PDF file (please click on „Upload Proposal”” in the top right corner).
More information:

Payment terms:

The currency of invoice and payment is EUR.

Prepayment, upon proforma invoice.

Billing adress:

Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem,

6720, Szeged, Dugonics ter 13.


Shipping adress:


Optikai es Kvantumelektronikai Tanszek

6720 Szeged, Dom ter. 9.


The number of the project: TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0047

The project is called: „Új, funkcionális anyagok által kiváltott biológiai és környezeti válaszok.”

For further information please turn to the following official contact person:

Ifkovics Kálmán foreign sales representative


Contact person for technical support: Ajtai Tibor, tudományos ügyintéző SZTE TTIK Fizikus Tanszékcsoport Optikai és Kvantumelektronikai Tanszék, tel: +36 (62) 544-285, +36 (62) 544-000/4285, +36 (62) 343-748, +36 (62) 544-000/3748
+36 (62) 343-739, +36 (62) 544-000/3739


The official language of the procedure is Hungarian, but offers can also be submitted in English language. The Inviting Authority expects offers from suppliers that can guarantee a prompt delivery and have a stable financial background. The Inviting Authority reserves the right to request further information from candidates within 5 working days in writing . Request for further information will be sent to each candidate with a valid offer. Following the submission deadline, the Inviting Authority evaluates the offers and candidates are informed on the result with the least possible delay.

The Inviting Authority reserves the right to cancel the above offer procedure fully or partially, without any justification. The Inviting Authority is not liable for consequences resulted by the withdrawal.

This call for proposal is not to be considered as a contractual commitment undertaken by the Inviting Authority. The call and the full procedure are subject to the Inviting Authority’s internal regulations.

Winner supplier: Grimm Aerosol technik GmbH & Co. KG
Winner price: 3 720 EUR + VAT