The Directorate of Finance and Engineering, University of Szeged (hereafter Inviting Authority) invites candidates to an open procedure for supplying the following product:
Video tracking system for animal behavior tests
Offer No: SZTE/2013/PB0234/E
Deadline for submission of offers: March 22, 2013 (3.00 pm)
Estimated Date of delivery: April 8, 2013
Short specification of product:
Video tracking system for animal behavior tests:
We need a video tracking system with a workstation for automatic recording of animal activity and movement in various rat behavior paradigm. It should reliably detect and track the animal even when there is low contrast. The system needs to be able to detect central body point with several object detection methods. Online processing speed up to 25 images/sec. Capable of recording animal activity and freezing behavior by detecting changes in the arena for each frame. Availability of batch aquisition of trials from videos. Integrated visualization. Option to set trial control for automated start or end of tracking. Manual event recording option. Built in analysis of conventionally important parameters. Arbitrary definition of zone of interest in the test arena. Reliable and easy data export.
We are also looking for an infrared monochrome Firewire camera including lens, IR pass filter, IR LED array, Firewire port and cables.
Warranty period should also be indicated.
Offers are to be submitted to the following e-mail address in PDF file:
In the heading of the offer please indicate the Description of Product and the Offer Number. The address/Tel/Fax No of candidate and the name of contact person should also be included.
Please indicate the delivery charge and all the other expenses in your proposal.
The purchase will be covered by TÁMOP-4.2.2/A-11/1/KONV-2012-0052 Project.
For further information please turn to the following contact persons:
Ibolya Takacs Lajko foreign sales representative
Adam Institoris technical support
The official language of the procedure is Hungarian, but offers can also be submitted in English language. The Inviting Authority expects offers from suppliers that can guarantee a prompt delivery and have a stable financial background. The Inviting Authority reserves the right to request further information from candidates within 5 working days in writing . Request for further information will be sent to each candidate with a valid offer. Following the submission deadline, the Inviting Authority evaluates the offers and candidates are informed on the result with the least possible delay.
The Inviting Authority reserves the right to cancel the above offer procedure fully or partially, without any justification. The Inviting Authority is not liable for consequences resulted by the withdrawal.
This call for proposal is not to be considered as a contractual commitment undertaken by the Inviting Authority. The call and the full procedure are subject to the Inviting Authority’s internal regulations.
14. Őszi Kulturális Fesztivál ,BTK ,Diplomaosztó ,Egyetemi Tavasz ,Egyetemi Élet ,Egyetemi élet ,Esemény ,Fókusz ,Irodalom ,JGYPK ,Kulturális Iroda ,Kultúra ,Kutatók Éjszakája 2009 ,SZTE Kulturális Iroda ,SZTE Kultúrális Iroda ,Sport ,Szabadegyetem ,TIK ,TTIK ,ZMK ,