End User: Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Health Center
Delivery Address: Temesvari krt. 35-37, H-6726 Szeged Hungary -- offers should contain the shipping cost to this addressBilling Address: University of Szeged, Dugonics tér 13. H-6720 Szeged, Hungary, VAT No: HU19308650
Required products, quantities, specifications:
Required product: Filter paper newborn screening (NBS)
required quantity: 50 000 +10 %
Please include the specification in your offer, so that it can be clearly evaluated whether it matches all the specificied features.
Offer language: either English or Hungarian.
Accepted currencies: HUF, EUR, USD, GBP, SEK, CHF, NOK, DKK, CAD, AUD, JPY, CZK.
>>>>HUF-ban beadott ajánlatok esetében/The following clause is only to Suppliers who are issuing offers in HUF (Hungarian Forint): the Bidder may not submit to the Contracting Authority any reimbursement of costs in addition to the bid price, the bid price is fixed and must include all taxes, duties, transport to the site or other additional costs especially for the EUR/HUF and other currency exchange rate risk, in accordance with the Hungarian legislation in force.<<<<
Tenders are binding for 30 days from the date of the opening of the tender.
Bidders are kindly requested to submit their offer for the required quantities detailed in the specification.
Offers must fully match the specification criteria listed above. Offers for products with different specification and quantities will be considered invalid.
The quotations should include:
Terms of delivery /delivery lead time
The quotation should be preferably valid for 60 days, due to excessive evaluation period, but at least for 30 days, if possible.
Evaluation principle: the lowest net total price. The different currencies of the quotations will be translated into HUF, using the Hungarian National Bank exchange rate of the closing date of the online tender. Then these net HUF amounts will get compared and evaluated.
We hereby inform you that pursuant to Article 41 (6) of Act CXCV of 2011 on Public Finances, the University of Szeged shall only enter into contracts and perform payments upon its contracts, if the contracting party has provided the University with a Transparency Declaration. In case the Bidder has not provided transparency declaration to the University yet, the declaration may be requested during the evaluation period.
Please note that the products will be ordered with a purchase order or a sales contract, and not through webshop
Winner supplier: Intersystem GmbH
Winner price: 5 247 117 HUF + VAT
14. Őszi Kulturális Fesztivál ,BTK ,Diplomaosztó ,Egyetemi Tavasz ,Egyetemi Élet ,Egyetemi élet ,Esemény ,Fókusz ,Irodalom ,JGYPK ,Kulturális Iroda ,Kultúra ,Kutatók Éjszakája 2009 ,SZTE Kulturális Iroda ,SZTE Kultúrális Iroda ,Sport ,Szabadegyetem ,TIK ,TTIK ,ZMK ,