Product name: Eppendorf centrifuge 5424R
Required quantity: 1 pc
For detailed product specification, please download the attached specification file.
Offers are to be submitted by uploading your offer in PDF file (please click on „Upload Proposal” in the top right corner).
Offers sent by email will not accepted! Offers that are not submitted on the proposal’s website will not be accepted.
We do not accept offer for substitute products. Offers for products with different specification will be considered invalid.
Delivery Address: University of Szeged, Department of Plant Biology, Közép fasor 52, H-6726 Szeged, Hungary - offers should contain the shipping cost to this address
Billing Address: Szegedi Tudományegyetem (University of Szeged), Dugonics tér 13. H-6720 Szeged, Hungary, VAT No: HU 15329815
The quotations should include:
The quotation should be preferably valid for 60 days, due to excessive evaluation period, but at least for 30 days.
We hereby inform you that pursuant to Article 41 (6) of Act CXCV of 2011 on Public Finances, the University of Szeged shall only enter into contracts and perform payments upon its contracts, if the contracting party has provided the University with a Transparency Declaration. In case the Supplier had not provide transparency declaration to the University earlier, the declaration will be requested during the evaluation period.
Should you have any questions on the product, please contact Dr. Agnes Szepesi, Phone: 36-62-544236 , email:
In case you need information from the contact person above, please send a copy of your mail to our purchasing department to Aniko Farkas, email:
Winner supplier: Biocenter Kft.
Winner price: 1 242 320 HUF + VAT
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