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Rector’s resolution on the change of the Spring Break period

Instead of the previously accepted duration, the Spring Break period of the University is between 14th of March 2020 (Saturday) – 22nd of March 2020 (Sunday).

Registration number: IKT/5-790/4/2020


In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, subject to the decision of the University’s maintainer – keeping the students' personal safety in mind – I hereby modify the chronological schedule – adopted by No. SZ-73-VI/2018/2019. (II.25.) resolution of the Senate of the University of Szeged – for the Academic Year 2019/2020 as follows:

Instead of the previously accepted duration of the Spring Break period from Friday, 10th of April 2020 to Friday, 17th of April 2020, the Spring Break period of the University is between

14th of March 2020 (Saturday) – 22nd of March 2020 (Sunday)

Issued on the 11th of March 2020, Szeged

Prof. Dr. László Rovó sgd.
